Causes of the Chinese Civil War

  • Pu YI is the new Emperor of china

    Pu YI is the new Emperor of china
    The emperor died, so I leave a two-year-old baby with the post of emperor, Pu Yi, now the new emperor. But during his time as emperor, the peasants were imposed more taxes than before so there was no socio-economic advance
  • Double Tenth Revolution

    Double Tenth Revolution
    The Qing Dynasty was defeated by the Double Tenth Revolution, which began when the government ceased to have control by the military forces. And as a result of all this, a Republic was created.
  • Yuan Shikai becomes president.

    Yuan Shikai becomes president.
    Sun Yixian was the first presindete but he resigned in 1912, and Sun Yixian left Yuan Shikai as the president of China
  • Yuan Shikai proclaims himself Emperor of China.

    Yuan Shikai proclaims himself Emperor of China.
    Yuan Shikai spent several years in the presidency, apparently, it can also be said that he ended up proclaiming the emperor of China. Thanks to this, the power in the military forces and the withdrawal. He died three months later.
  • Warlod Era

    Warlod Era
    Was a period in the history of the Republic of China when control of the country was divided among former military cliques of the Beiyang Army and other regional factions
  • May Fourth Movement

    May Fourth Movement
    A group of students and intellectuals made several huge demonstrations against the Warlords...
  • Lack of Unity in China/Division of China

    Lack of Unity in China/Division of China
    Yuan Shikai makes an abdication, China is divided into several provinces, which are controlled by a warlord
  • The First United Front

    The First United Front
    The First United Front was created by the alliance of the political parties, the GMD and the CCP. They agreed to work together in order to get rid of the warlords.
  • The White Terror

    The White Terror
    the leader of the GMD turns the tables on the CCP and said that China could not advance or be unified unless the CCP was destroyed, so in April 1927, the persecution of the Communists began.