Causes of the Chinese Civil War

  • Opium War

    Opium War
    conflict between Britain and China in which Britain defeated China and the Great chinese empire was carved up into spheres of influence by europeans, americans and Japan
  • Taiping Rebellion

    Taiping Rebellion
    movement that was half religious and half political, wagged between the Manchuled Quing Dynasty and the Taiping hevenly kingdom
  • Self Strenghtening movement

    Self Strenghtening movement
    Also known as westernizatio, refers to a period before the disasters of the first Opium war in which the late Qing Dynasty stablished institutional reforms
  • China revolution

    China revolution
    the nationalists, led by Sun Yat-sen, overthrow the Manchu empire
  • New government

    New government
    In Canton, a new government based on the 3 Sun principles is constituted: nationalism, democracy and an increase in the popular standard of living
  • Chiang Kai Shek became leader

    Chiang Kai Shek became leader
    Sun Yat-sen dies Chiang Kai-chek becomes the leader of the Koumintang
  • Attacks against Communist Party

    Attacks against Communist Party
    Chiang starts attacks against the communist party, killing 6,000 people
  • New ruler of China

    New ruler of China
    Chiang enter to Pekin and became the new ruler of China
  • Red Army

    Red Army
    Chiang launched a series of extermination campaigns to defeat the Communists in Kiangsi, the army of the Communist Party (Red Army) uses guerrilla tactics.
  • Japanese troops

    Japanese troops
    China was invaded by the Japanese troops, the Chinese Communists played a very important role in the fight against the Japanese, getting the support of the peasants through revolutionary measures put into practice