
Causes of the Chinese Civil War

  • Opium Wars

    Opium Wars
    Started as a commercial issue, it showed the Chinese political weakness since the beginng and the Asian country had to sign unequal treaties which angered the Chinese citizens because their country had been humilliated.
  • Taiping Rebellion

    Taiping Rebellion
    Attempt to destroy the Qing dynasty. Showed the inestability of the government and the anger of the citizens which weakened the government for future attacks. The Boxer Rebellion of 1900-1901 had a similar effect but this one was more focused on foreign influence on the country.
  • Self-Strengthening Movement

    Self-Strengthening Movement
    It was a campaign that tried to restore the Qing dynasty specially in the economic and military aspects. It was unsuccesful overall and it showed how the west had already affected the country and at this point, there was nothing left that could had saved the dynasty.
  • 1900s

    The vast majority of the chinese population were peasants and lived a hard life with difficulty to pay taxes or even feed themselves. The conditions of these men showed the need for modernization.
  • Double Tenth Revolution

    Double Tenth Revolution
    Overthrew the Qing dynasty and led to the Republic of China. People now know that it is possible to take out a government that have failed them just as the Confucianism philosophy states
  • Warlord Era

    Warlord Era
    Divided China, fear dominated the country and there were constant battles between military governors for more power and/or territory. Overall, it debilitated China but made the CCP and the GMD appear as heroes in the First United Front
  • May Fourth Movement

    May Fourth Movement
    A group of intellectuals and students which manifested their disapproval towards the Japanese presence in Shangai, the 21 demands and the Paris Conference. It was the first step towards a modernized China
  • People's livelihood

    People's livelihood
    One of the Three Sun's Principles which was accepted by both CCP and GMD, but, this last one wasn't doing nothing for achieving it. This is one of the most obvious examples of the failure of the GMD to govern China
  • United Fronts

    United Fronts
    CCP and GMD worked together in two ocasions. The first one was to defeat the warlords and resulted in their break up due to differences in their ideologies. The second united front had the purpose to defeat Japan after their threats to invade China during World War II
  • Shanghai Massacre

    Shanghai Massacre
    GMD, in power of the government, assassinating the communist which are also known as the CCP which resulted in many deads and the retreat of the communist to the mountains. This was the event that unleashed the Chinese civil war.