Double Tenth Revolution
The Political weakness of Manchu Dynasty get worst with the dead of the Emperor so Prince Chun ruled as regent , He also increased taxation frustated the business classes; Like a consequence the ruling Dynasty was overthrown in a revolution and a Republic was created and this started when the government lost the control of the militar, most provinces declared themselves independent of Beijing and in November of 1911 the independent provinces declared the creation of the Chinese Republic. -
The Rule of Yuan Shikai
He was the president of the new Republic from 1912 to 1915, was a military Dictator, Regionalism was an impediment to create a united China; Guomindang declared itself a parliamentary party.
Yuan had to move to Nanjing and in 1912 the Regional Assemblies abolished the attempt to centralize power, also Yuan proclaim himself Emperor in 1916 but he die 3 months after. -
The Warlords
Because of the death of Yuang China was divided into provinces controlled by a Warlord and his private army but the warlords want to have more power so they try to expand their territory and the peasants suffered the consequences, these period increased the sense of humiliation and foreign influence. -
May Fourth Movement
Began in 1919 when students led a mass demonstration in Beijing against the warlords, traditional Chinese culture and The Japanese.
This movemment was dedicated to change and the rebirth of China as a proud and independent nation, some were inspired by revolutionary ideology; The Bolshevik revolution of 1917 was a clear example that also denounced the imperialists, other were inspired by the GMD also the CCP and the GMD came toguether in an alliance in 1922. -
The Alliance of communists and nationalists
Sun died in 1925 and the GMD had made little progress with their 3 principles, tahey had a limited power in the south and have to make deals with the warlords.
New General of the GMD called Jiang Jieshi he was a committed nationalist and the CCP emerged in 1921 most of them were intellectuals and had no real military strength -
The First United Front
Both parties ( GMD AND CCP) want to unify China and the first thing that they have to did is to get rid of the warlords and the necesity of China to be free of the foreign imperialists powers.
The 3principle of Sun Yixians was the socialism and Jiang became an Anti-communist. -
Northern Expedition
Jiang started to removing all the communists of the party and the GMD set out the Northern Expedition to crush the warlords by 1927 the GMD and the communists had captured Hangzhou, Shangai and Nanjing -
GMD Attacks the CCP
The only thing that united the GMD and the CCP was the war versus the Warlords when they finally met their goal the ideology was divided in two parties, The Northern Expedition was also for the promise of land to the peasants that the comminust did.
Jiang decided that he could no longer tolerate them in the GMD, Jiang was sympathic with the landlords and the middle clasess and these cause trobles between the peoplethat supportthe CCP and GMD.
These cause the White terror. -
Purification Movement
Jiang expelled all communists from the GMD and his attacks reached a pick on Shangai known as the White terror, 5000 comunists were shot; Alsocarried similar attacks in other cities and the purification began and meant the massacre of thousands of communist, trade unionist and peasant leaders, abou a quarter of million people were killed.
The CCP was nearly crushed by the 1927 and their decide that onlyway to survive was moving to the mountains of Jiangsi and the Civi war started. -
Jiang has controlled of Beijing
The CCP were forced to retreat into Jiangxi province in order to survive these is called the Jiangxi soviet.
Mo sugguest that the strategy of the GMD will only destroy China basing their revolution in urban areas.
From around of 500 milion of population in China only 12% were in urban areas
"The peasants are the sea; We are the fish. The sea is our habitat, hhe have an orthosox Marxisism were place the proletariat at the centre of the revolution.