The Proclamation of 1763
The Proclamation of 1763 was a law passed by England after the French and Indian war declaring that colonists were not to move west of the Appalachian Mountains. This angered the colonists because they fought for the land that they are now finding out that they are unable to use. -
The Sugar Act
The Sugar Act was England's first attempt at taxing the colonies which increased existing taxes on molasses and restricted certain goods. The colonists were angered and got this act repealing in 1766. -
The Stamp Act
The Stamp Act of 1765 was a law passed that required that all paper goods be printed onto stamped paper. This stamps would cost extra money, bringing in revenue for England. -
The Quartering Act
Colonial assemblies required to pay for supplies to British garrisons. The New York assembly argued that it could not be forced to comply. -
Boston Massacre
Angered by the presence of troops and Britain's colonial policy, a crowd began harassing a group of soldiers guarding the customs house; a soldier was knocked down by a snowball and discharged his musket, sparking a volley into the crowd which kills five civilians. -
Boston Tea Party
Angered by the Tea Acts, American patriots disguised as Mohawk Indians dump £9,000 of East India Company tea into the Boston harbour. This was intended to get the tea act repealed. -
The Intolerable Acts
The Intolerable Acts banned any trade and the ports only allowed food and firewood into the colonies and town meetings were banned. This was when they called the first continental congress to discuss their current situation.