Causes of the American Revolution

By uhRosie
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation of 1763 was to remove the American colonists' ability to disrupt the fur trade. The Proclamation was passed to avoid conflict with the American Indians. The British's purpose was to ease the conflict between the other colonies. Settlements West of the Appalachian Mountains were also banned, causing colonists to be angry.
  • Sugar Act of 1764

    Sugar Act of 1764
    George Grenville introduced the Sugar Act in 1764. His goal was to end the smuggling trade of molasses and sugar. The Sugar Act helped to generate funds to defend the colonies. Colonists began to question their roles, later leading to boycotts. The boycotts led to the American Revolution.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act got passed to help the British earn money after the Seven Years' War. The Stamp Act added tax to all paper documents. The funds raised from the tariffs would allow the British to keep peace with other colonies. Anybody who got caught violating The Stamp Act would be convicted.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was a street riot that turned deadly. The Riot began on March 5th, located on King Street within Bosten. Colonists started throwing stones and snowballs at the soldier. The soldier soon fell after calling for further help. Several soldiers showed up. A person was said to yell "fire, " leading to one soldier firing. Multiple soldiers started to open fire blindly into the crowd.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Americans have been spending their time protesting the tea tax. American Patriots disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians to throw tea boxes off a ship arriving in Boston's harbor. They dumped ten thousand pounds of tea into the Boston waters. This issue caused the British to pass the Coercive Acts. The act shut down Boston's port.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act expanded the buildings soldiers could call home. The act also removed the requirement of making soldiers be put with goods. The act did not allow soldiers to be housed in private homes.
  • Massachusetts Government Act

    Massachusetts Government Act
    The Massachusetts Government Act was established to give more control to royalty. The colonists would not elect the Colony's executive council. The king would instead choose it. Only one town meeting was allowed a year unless the governor said otherwise.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The act first has been passed in the British parliament. The act was established in retaliation to the Boston Tea Party. It was meant to punish the consists of Massachusetts. The four acts within the "Intolerable Acts" were the Boston Port Act, the Administration of Justice Act, the Massachusetts Government Act, and the Quartering Act.
  • Boston Port Act

    Boston Port Act
    The Boston Port Act is one of the five "Intolerable Acts." This act was retaliation to the Boston Tea Party. The act's primary purpose was to punish the colonists in Massachusetts. It closed the port and forced all the citizens living in Boston to pay a fine. The fine's goal was for the lost tea's money to be returned.
  • Boston Port Bill

    Boston Port Bill
    The Boston Port Act is one of the five "Intolerable Acts." This act was retaliation to the Boston Tea Party. The act's primary purpose was to punish the colonists in Massachusetts. It closed the port and forced all the citizens living in Boston to pay a fine. The fine's goal was for the lost tea's money to be returned.
  • Massachusetts Government Act

  • Administration of Justice

    Administration of Justice
    The Administration of Justice Act was also made to punish American Colonists. The act was created to protect royalty from accusations of crime. The act allowed royals to commit crimes and then quickly escape. The act was mainly passed to prevent trouble within Boston.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    The American Colonists considered the Quebec Act part of the "Intolerable Acts." The Quebec Act allowed colonists to practice the Catholic faith. The act made Quebec's borders larger. A lot of Ohio Country has been transferred to Quebec.