causes of the american revolution

  • The Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763
    in 1763 the British stopped the Anglo-american colonists from getting land from the french. the colonists and the french got really mad so they started the french and Indian war. the biggest fight was the land in the Ohio river valley.
  • sugar act

    sugar act
    the British tried to stop trading of sugar from the dutch and the french. The Sugar Act provided for strong customs enforcement of the duties on refined sugar. Protests had been received from America against the enforcement of the Molasses Act.
  • the stamp act

    the stamp act
  • townshed act

    townshed act
  • the Boston Massacre

    the Boston Massacre
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
  • intolerable acts

    intolerable acts
  • battle of the bunker hill

    battle of the bunker hill
  • Nathan hill executed

    Nathan hill executed
  • seige of york town

    seige of york town