The French and Indian War
This was a war between Britain/ 13 Colonies, they were fighting against the French/ Indians. This war was won by the Britain, this broght the oportunity for westword expansion. However, In late October Bratain set a proclomation line the limited the colonies to the east coast. The reason for the boundry was because Bratain had no one to govern this new land. -
The Sugar and Stamp Acts
The Sugar and stamp acts were laws that set taxes on sugar and paper. The cause of this act was the state of bankruptcy that Britain after the French and Indian. Because of these duties, the patriots started boycotts and protests. During this time the loyalists agreed that Britain needed to rebuild their econmy with more money. -
The Townsend Acts
The Townsend acts were taxes placed on glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea. The British enforced these taxes after the large-scale boycotts of British goods. When the colonists refused these laws British troops were brought into the 13 colonys. -
The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was an event where a drunk colonist assaulted a British soldier guarding a customs house in Boston, Massachusetts. This situation grew into more than just two people trading insults. It turned into a riot from the colonists against multiple British soldiers. One Patriot charged at a soldier, so the guard shot the colonist. This triggered the other soldiers to shoot as they assumed that their leader told them to fire. -
The Boston Tea Party
The Boston tea party was an act where colonists disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians. They then went to the Boston harbor that held a ship with lots of British-owned tea. The colonists proceeded to dump the tea on the ship into the harbor. Many of the colonists just watched this hapeen. During the time that they did this , there were no British soldiers in Boston. -
The Intolerable Acts
The Intolerable acts were 5 new laws that forced colonists to pay more money and give up some of their privileges. It was a way that the British could punish the colonists for the Boston tea party. The patriots responded to these acts by organizing riots and protests. During this event, the loyalist felt as if the colonies deserved this and were being punished for a good reason. -
The First Continental Congress
The First Continental Congress was a meeting with all of the 13 colonies, except for Georgia. Georgia's representative didn't show up because he didn't want to pay for a boat fair to get to carpenters hall in Philadelphia. So he rode there on a horse and was 2 months late. This meeting was held in response to the intolerable acts. SUprisingly, there were both patriots and loyalists there.