Causes of the American Revolution - Jena Del Rossi & Tj Ramos

By hi27
  • End of French and Indian War 1763

    End of French and Indian War 1763
    • 1754-1763
      • nine years war that was fought between France and Great Britain
    • France surrendered all of its North American possessions to Britain ( British defeated France )
    • war provided Great Britain territorial gains
    • war expenses led to colonial discontent
  • Sugar Act 1764

    Sugar Act 1764
    • money raising act passed by the Parliament of Great Britain
    • British legislation wanted to end the illegal trade in sugar and molasses in the colonies.. they did this by reducing the tax rate and forced the collection of duties
  • Stamp Act 1765

    Stamp Act 1765
    • Imposed increased revenues *first British parliamentary attempt to raise revenue through direct taxation
    • forced a stamp duty on a newspaper / legal commercial documents
  • Townshend Acts 1767

    Townshend Acts 1767
    • British acts of Parliament passe in an attempt to assert what it considered to be its historic right to exert authority over the colonies through suspension of a recalcitrant representative assembly and through strict provisions for collection of revenue duties.
  • Boston Massacre 1770

    Boston Massacre 1770
    • British soldiers were killing people and then died
    • 5 colonists died
    • small mobs in Boston were harassing the British soldiers
      -impact on connections between the American and British colonists
  • Boston Tea Party 1773

    Boston Tea Party 1773
    • political protest
    • American colonists were mad at Britain for forcing "taxation without representation"
    • they dumped 342 chests of tea that belonged to the British East India Company
  • First Continental Congress Convenes 1774

    First Continental Congress Convenes 1774
    *Meeting of delegates from 12 to 13 British colonies
    *It was the first Continental Congress Convened in Philadelphia. *Fifty-six of all of the delegates have represented all colonies except Georgia.
  • Intolerable Acts 1774

    Intolerable Acts 1774
    • laws passed by the British Parliament after the Boston Tea Party
    • These laws were meant to punish Massachusetts colonists for their resistance in the Tea Party protest
    • The 4 Intolerable Acts were : Boston Port Act, Massachusetts Government Act, Administration of Justice Act, and the Quartering Act
  • Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death" speech 1775

    Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death" speech 1775
    • Patrick Henry made his speech against British tyranny
      • Henry made this speech for a fight for America's independence
    • He also wanted the Virginia convention to send troops to fight in the Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord 1763

    Battle of Lexington and Concord 1763
    • 7 years war caused it
    • First military clashes of the American Revolutionary War -The British Army captured rebel leaders like John Hancock and Samuel Adams (who were in Lexington) to destroy the Americans shop of their weapons and their ammunition in Concord
    • Colonists were warned by riders that the British Army was approaching
    • Sam Adams and John Hancock however escaped to militia where they hid their weapons and ammunition
    • American Victory
    • Started the American Revolutionary War