Causes of the american revolution 2 1 638

Causes of the american revolution.

By weberbl
  • Period: to

    The French and indian war

    The French and indian war was a war between the French and the British it was a battle for firtle land and there was good land and the British wone the battle.
  • sugar act

    sugar act
    The first taxes to come from British to pay off debt from warit was a 3 cent taxon foods like sugar cofee indigo and certain kinds of achcahol and thats when the slogan no taxation without representations.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The 2nd taxes inplaced on the Colonist to support the british gaurding the proclamation line the taxes where on important documents like marrige papers court papers news papers playing cards.
  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty
    A organization to protest against britsh rule they where the more violent organization
  • Townshed Acts

    Townshed Acts
    The 3rd taxes on the colonist it was used to cover the debt of the french and indian war it also used to show british rule over the colonies the taxes where on items like paper glass paint and tea
  • Boston Masacre

    Boston Masacre
    The boston masacre was a voilent confrontation between the colonist and british the colonist where threating the british soilders telling them to shoot at colonists then one british soilder got hit by a club fell and accedentaly shot.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    British got Tea from east India wich they transported to colonies the colonist did not like that they wouldent even let the ships come in to drop off tea.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    When a bunch of colonist dressed up as indians and threw 342 chest of tea in the ocean.
  • Intalorible Acts

    Intalorible Acts
    Boston harbor closed and many People lost thier jobs and the colonist where outraged.
  • The First Contiental Congress

    The First Contiental Congress
    The first colonial congress was when all the colonial represenitives came to a meeting to talk about what the british rules are imposing and how to react.
  • The Battle Of Lexington

    The Battle Of Lexington
    The sparked the war no one knows who shot first it was called the shot around the war and the colonist had to fall back.