Causes of the American Revolution. Nayelli & Ashlin

  • The ending of the French and Indian War

    The ending of the war was caused by the French giving all its possessions to North America. The War ended with the signing of treaties of Hubertusburg and Paris in 1763.
  • The Sugar Act

    A law that attempted curb the smuggling of sugar and molasses in the colonies by reducing the previous tax rate and enforcing the collection of duties.
  • The Currency Act

    The Currency Act
    The Currency Act also known as the Paper Bills of Credit Act is one of the many Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain that manage paper money that was issued by the of British America.
  • Stamp Act

  • The Boston Non-Importation Agreement

    The Boston Non-Importation Agreement
    The Boston Non-Importation Agreement was a boycott which was a restriction to importation good to Boston. The agreement was signed August 1st, 1768. After the signing, there was only sixteen traders who did not join the effort. Months and years later, there would be many cities trying to adopt the non-importation initiative. New York joined the same year. Pennsylvania joined a year later. Boston had stayed as the leader in forming an opposition to the mother country and its taxing policy.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre began as a street fight on March 5th, 1770 between a Patriot mob throwing sticks, snowballs, and stones, and a group of British soldiers. Several of the colonists were killed and this led to the campaign of speech-writers. Th presence of the British in Boston was unexpected and unwelcoming. The riot began when about 50 citizens attacked a British soldier. This resulted in the death of five colonists.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    The Tea Act was passed by Parliament on May 10th, 1773 which would launch the final spark of the revolutionary movement that was occurring in Boston. It was designed to prop up the East India Company which was struggling financially and overloaded with eight million pounds of unsold tea. All the tea was shipped directly to the colonies, and sold at a bargain price. The direct sale of tea, would sabotage the businesses of local merchants.
  • Boston Tea Party

  • Intolerable Act