Causes of the american revolution

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    Causes of the American Revolution

  • Royal Proclamation

    The Royal Proclamation act declared that Colonists couldn't settle further west then the apalation mountains. The British didn't want the settlers using their new land. The Colonists got angry and continued to settle west because the law was not being strongly enforced,
  • Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act was a tax on all foreign sugars in America. The British wanted to increase their revenue from America. The Colonists were angry and refused to pay the tax. The end result lead to a decrease in ship smuggling business.
  • Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act was a tax on all printed goods. Similar to the sugar act, the British wanted to increase revenue. The Colonists once again weren't happy and refused the tax. This tax began the issue of the Colonists lacking representation for new taxes, and created the issue of no taxation without representation. The British were unprepared for the resistance they got from the Colonists, but the tax continued until the war.
  • Declaratory Act

    Created due to the ending of the Stamp Act, The Declaratory Act meant that the British had full control over American laws. The British took this bill as an initial loss but with much greater long term gain than the other acts. Some Colonists saw the act as a victory because it eliminated the Stamp Act, but many Colonists saw the future danger of the act indicating that more laws were coming. The British controled the laws only until after the war, then they only cotrolled a few locations.
  • Townshend Act

    The Townsend act was multiple acts that the British created to enforce control and continue to increase revenue. The new acts slowly incresed resistance and unrest from the Colonists. In the end most of the acts were repealed, leaving the tea act.
  • Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was an event where British soldiers were arguing with Colonists. A soldier eventually fired a shot, causing the other soldiers to shoot at the Colonists until they ran away. This lead to many Colonists becoming very angry with the British because the people they shot were unarmed. There were multiple paintings depicting the event. The event evetually became one of the main causes of Americans wanting freedom, starting the revolution.
  • Tea Act

    The Tea Act was an act the British emposed taxing all teas being shipped into America. The British wanted to increase thier revenues while getting rid of excess tea they had in England. The Colonsists once again didn't want another tax imposed on them. The result was radical Colonists dumped multiple shipments of tea into the Boston Harbour.
  • intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts were acts that took away Massachusetts self-government and historic rights. The Act was meant to punish Colonists for the Boston Harbour inccident, and make an example out of Massachusetts. The acts triggered outrage within the Colonies, and was one of the biggest causes of the American Revolution.
  • Quebec Act

    The Quebec Act was when the French gave up control of New France. The British then took control and re-named it Quebec. The British taking Quebec angered the Colonies, as it hurt their development in the area. The Quebec Act ended in being another prominent event leading to the revolution.