End Of French And Indian War
Great Britain, France and Spain, with Portugal Signed The Treaty of Paris To End The 7 Years War. This signing occured in 1763.The Treaty Of Paris 1763 was signed in Paris. The end of The french And Indian Was was important because then it could be official and resources would not be wasted. -
Sugar Act
In 1764, the british passed the Sugar Act which plactaxes on sugar, wine, and other important things. The British passed the Sugar Act because they wanted money to help provide more security for the colonies.The British also hoped that the act would force colonists to sell their goods to Britain instead of other countries. The Sugar Act enfuriated many people in the colonies and some leaders in the colonies started a boycott. The colonists became more United to oppose the Sugar Act. -
Quartering Act of 1765
Lieutenant-General Thomas Gage, a commander in chief of British forves, had asked Parliament to do something about Quartering after the other Quartering Act had expired. The Parliaments came to a conlusion and provided that Great Britain would house its soldiers in American barracks and public houses. The Quartering Act was circumvented in all colonies other than Pennsylvania. -
The Stamp Act
The Parliment Of Great britan Imposed The Stamp Act. The Stamp Act taxes people on their printed goods, such as books, playing cards, and escpecially stamps. The Stamp Act was written in Great Britan.The Stamp Act was written in 1765. This act was historically signifigant because it caused tension between the colonosts and Great Britan. -
Declaratory Acts
An act to secure the dependency in the America upon the parliament of Great Britain. Several of the houses of representatives in America have of late, against law, claimed to themselves, or to the general assemblies of the same, the sole and exclusive right of imposing duties and taxes. -
The Townshends Acts
The Townshends Acts were passed by the English Parliament after the repeal of Stamp Act. They collected taxes from colonists by putting taxes on supplies and everyday materials. The colonists protested against the taxes. The Boston merchants again boycotted on English goods. The boycott decreased British trade and in 1770 most of the Acts were repealed. -
Boston Massacre
British soilder killed 5 civilian men and injured 6 others. British soilder killed 5 colonists. this occured in Boston. On the date of March fifth. This is historically significant because this caused colonists to despise british soilders and their ways. -
The Boston Tea Party
Some colonists dressed as native americans. The colonists threw tea overboard british ships because of the unfait taxes imposed on them. In Boston this occured. In the year 1773. This was signifigantly important because this caused the british to become angry with the colonists.and impose more acts that caused more tension. -
Intolerable Acts
The Intolerable Acts were punishments that were put on the colonies by the British because of the Boston Tea Party. There are 5 acts passed by The Intolerable Acts. The Boston Port Bill was is where the British closed Boston Harbor to everything but British ships. The Quartering Acts is where colonists had to house and feed the British troops. The Administration Acts is where British Officials could not be sent to jail. Massachusetts Government Act is where there is no self Government. -
The Battle Of Lexington And Concord
This battle was reuslt of conflict between Great Britan and the thirteen colonies. The battle was the begining of the American Revolutionary War. This Battle Occured At Lexington And Concord. This battle in 1775, in April. This was signifigantly important because it was the starting point for the american revolutionary war.