End of French and Indian War
The French and Indian War, also know as the Seven Years War, was fought on U.S. soil from 1756 till 1763. The British were Fighting against the French for the Ohio Valley land. By the end of the war Britain starts taxing the colonists to pay off the war. The colonists are angered by this. -
Treaty of Paris
This was the treaty that ended the French and Indian War. The British kept Canada, the Great Lakes country, Ohio River valley, and Florida. The French were forced out of North America and were left with no land there. In the end the Mississippi River became the division line between the Spanish and the British. -
Proclamation of 1763
This was the document that kept the colonies east of the Appalachian Mountains. -
Nonimportation Agreements
Since the colonist did not like being taxed they started to boycott British goods. This led to the nonimportation agreements. It threatened the Brisitsh economy. -
Stamp Act
In 1765, Parliamnet passed a law, called the Stapm Act, that made colonists pay on all printed materials. This included newspaper, books, court documents, contracts, and leand deeds. This was the first direct tax imposed within the colonies by Parliament. -
Quatering Act
The colonists had to provide housing and suppiles for the British troops that were stationed there after the French and Indian war. -
Boston Massacre
Colonist began to throw riots, they threw rocks and snowballs at Bristish soldiers. They yelled and threatened them. The British soldiers began to open fire and killed five colonists. -
Tea Act
In 1773, Parliament passed the law that colonists had to pay taxes on British tea. This leads up to the Boston Tea Party. Some people tried to smuggle cheaper tea but colonist did not want to buy cheaper tea. -
Boston Tea Party
Colonosts were angry with the taxation on 1773. They invaded the British ship carrying tea. As they were on board they dumped all the tea into the habor. The British ships that were transporting the tea were told by the Sons of Liberty and Samuel Adams to leave the harbor. -
The Intolerable Acts
Also known as the Coercive Acts in America. It was passed in try and control all of the colonies. -
First Continental Congress
Delegates from every colony, except for Georgia, met in Philadelphia. The meeting was called the First Continental Congress. At the meeting they proposed a boycott against all British imports. -
Battle of Lexington and Conord.
This was the first battle of the American Revolution. Many people say it was the shot heard around the world. It was against the Redcoats, who were the British, and the Patriots. The Redcoats killed eight Patriots. The Patriots had a group of men called the minutemen. The Patriots killed or wounded more than 200 British soldiers.