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Causes of Civil war

  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    Missouri becomes a new state, and the government is trying to keep the balance. They came up with a compromise, Missouri would become a slave state, Maine is creating and becomes a free state, and to avoid any future disputed, the imaginary line of 36,30 degree latitude, will determinate which state would become a free slavery state and slavery states. This was the little spark that lighten the idea of the Civil War.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The compromise is a series of 5 laws, and California is requesting to join the union. Henry Clay in attempted to maintain the union together wrote a compromise, which cover, the abolish the D.C. trade, the Fugitive Slave Act was strengthen, a government is created in Utah, territorial government in New Mexico, and California join the union as a free state.
  • The Fugitive Slave Act

    The Fugitive Slave Act
    The previous act, was a couple of federal laws, the enable the capture and return of runaway slaves, on U.S. territory. This then being strengthen by the Compromise of 1850, this raised importance regarding fugitive slave and harsher punishments to anyone who obstruct the capture.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin published
    The book was published on 1851, soon to sell thousand of copies in 1852. Then became very rapidly famous on the North of U.S. This rose questioning of slavery on the North. The South reacted at this as a horrible act against slavery. This was the birth of both side, to start the Civil War.
  • The Kansas-Nebraska Act & Bloody Kansas

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act & Bloody Kansas
    This act let the settlers vote on weather to be a slave or free state, replacing the Missouri Compromise, erasing the imaginary latitude line of 36,30 degrees. The controversy of pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers then lead to the Bloody Kansas. Bloody Kansas or Bleeding Kansas, it was a violent time period, between pro-slavery and anti-slavery settler. Including the participants of John Brown.
  • John Brown and Harper Ferry

    John Brown and Harper Ferry
    The Harper Ferry arsenal was target by an abolition group lead by John Brown. It was suppose to encourage anti-slavery settlers and slaves to revolve. During the raid John Brown was capture and then sentence to dead. This was the declaration that there wasn't going to be a way to compromise out of this matter and that the only solution was war.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Lincoln-Douglas Debates
    There were a total of seven debates, regarding the matter of slavery, on the Illinois state. This debates cover more than slavery and state right, it brought deeper questions, that influence the course of the politics. Lincoln lost to Douglas. That was the drop that tied the glass, and no so longer afterward, the Civil War started.