Causes of Civil War

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri compromise was written by Henry clay in 1820. It added stability and balance to congress when they added two extra states to the union. One of these states - Missouri - was added as a slave state while Maine was added as a free state. Any territory above the Missouri compromise line was considered free territory used in the future. This compromise was later ruled out and useless because of the Dred Scott decision.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    The wilmot proviso suggested an american law to ban slavery in any land gained from mexico in the Mexican war. This was proposed by representative David wilmot. It didn't end up passing in the senate, making southerners angry because they believed the bill was an attack against slavery. The bill did not pass. This event was one of the major things that led to the civil war.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The compromise of 1850 was written to solve the controversy over slavery. It attempted to decrease slavery in areas such as Washington D.C. and California. It also allowed slavery to be legal north of the compromise line. The slave trade was also ended in Washington D.C. and congress would soon pass a new fugitive slave law, allowing any black to be taken into slavery, even if he or she was free. The bitterness between the north and south caused this compromise to fail.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The fugitive slave act of 1850 allowed officials to arrest anyone who was considered a possible runaway slave. This means any black, even free men, could potentially be taken into slavery. The suspects had no right to a trial because they were not considered citizens. Since many slaves ran to the north, northern citizens would have to help capture them, which they were not happy about. They didn´t want to become apart of slavery.
  • Uncle Tom´s Cabin

    Uncle Tom´s Cabin
    Uncle tom’s cabin was a book written by harriet beecher stowe in 1852. It was a bestselling book that was about anti-slavery. This novel was one of the major events leading to the civil war. It exposed the horrors of slavery and showed everyone what it was like. People in the north believed that slavery was terrible while the southerners believed the whole book was fake news and propaganda.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act / Bleeding Kansas

    Kansas Nebraska Act / Bleeding Kansas
    In the Kansas Nebraska act states could decide through popular sovereignty on the issue of slavery. Senator Stephen douglas helped pass this act in 1852. The southerners liked this because they agreed with more slave states while the northerners felt betrayed because they didn’t want more slave states. Because of this major disagreement, fights broke out and the act quickly became violent. One fight was even taken to congress and resulted in someone almost beaten to death on the floor.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    The Dred Scott case was a case where Dred Scott, a slave who lived in a free area, attempted to sue for his freedom. He lived with his owner in an area where slavery was illegal leading him to believe he should be free. After 10 years, the case went to the supreme court and after waiting more, they concluded that he could not be granted his freedom since he wasn’t a citizen of the united states. They then proceeded to make no more states free states and all states would have legalized slavery.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debate

    Lincoln Douglas Debate
    The Lincoln douglas debate took place in 1858. It consisted of a series of many debates, all Abraham Lincoln against frederick douglas. Douglass believed in popular sovereignty and slavery, and that individual states should choose if they are for against slavery. Lincoln believed that slavery is wrong and should not be put into the western territories, and he believed that Africans deserve rights too. These debates went on for quite a while, up until douglas won the election.
  • John Brown´s Raid

    John Brown´s Raid
    John brown was an abolitionist who believed that people who were for slavery should be killed. John brown gathered a group of former slaves and went into town to kill some people who were for slavery. He seized guns and weapons to start a slave revolt. He proceeded into the town of Harper's Ferry and began his revolt. He was soon sentenced to death by hanging and his final words were slipped to the executioner right before he was hanged.
  • Lincoln´s Election of 1860

    Lincoln´s Election of 1860
    Lincoln's election of 1860 was a messy one. It was a good thing he didn't support slavery but the south did not agree with him. President Lincoln was a republican. This election affected the entire united states and led to civil war. Soon many southern states began to secede from the union just because Lincoln was elected.
  • Southern Secession

    Southern Secession
    The southern secession was started when president Lincoln took office. This was all because Lincoln didn't agree with slavery and and the south didn't agree with Lincoln. The southern states began to secede all starting with South Carolina. The nation was still divided on the issue of slavery. Fort Sumter was a big part of civil war and the confederate flag flew above it after Anderson surrendered. South Carolina seceded first and then followed the other six states.