Dred Scott Case
Scott had been an enslaved person living in Missouri. His owner died and he became a freed man because he lived in areas where slavery was illegal. his wife and daughters sued for their freedom. the case went on for 11 years. the court ruled against scott so he wasn't free anymore.
Pictured is painting of Dred Scott. -
Period: to
Causes of the Civil War.
Events leading up to the Civil War. By: Danielle Agan and Lindsay Kern -
Wilmot Proviso
David Wilmot the Representative of Pennsylvania braught forth the bill called the Wilmot Proviso which would outlaw slavery in any territory that the United States might acquire from the War with Mexico.
Pictured is the bill that David Wilmot presented
Picture is the Wilmot Proviso written by David Wilmot. -
Compromise of 1850
California wanted to come into the United States as a free State. the South North, California didn't think this was fair. the North and the South had to come up with a compromise that pleased them both. They decieded to Please the North California is entered as a free state and to please the South congress would not pass laws regarding slavery to any of the land that was won from Mexico.
Picture is a an outline of california. -
Fugitive Slave Act
This act stated that all people of the United States (North and South) had to help recapture runaway slaves and return them to their owners. this caused a lot of tension between the North and South. If the people did not follow the rules they would be fined.
Pictured is a poster to promote the Fugitive Slave Act. -
Uncle Tom's Cabbin
Uncle Tom's Cabbin was a book written out of Harriet Beecher Stowe's anger by the Fugitive Slave Act. This book told the "cruelty and imnmorality of slavery." This book explains the escape of a slave and her baby across the Ohio River.
Picture is of the book Uncle Tom's Cabbin. -
Kansas-Nebraska act
The Kansas-Nebraska act was a Bill drafted by Senator Douglas. this bill was proposed to seperate the territory into two sections... Nebraska and Kansas. To win the vote of the South, Douglas suggested popular sovereighty should be put into action to make a decision of whether a territory becomes free or not.
pictured is John Steuart Curry, The Tragic Prelude -
Formation of Republican party
The Republican Party was both an antislavery party and a a sectional party that wanted to protect the North. It was made up of democratic people that didn't want slavery and others that opposed slavery. Republicans where quickly strengthened in the North. "bleeding Kansas" was a key part in Republican rise.
pictured is the Republican symbole. -
Bleeding Kansas
Bleeding Kansas was a new name for the territory Kansas. There were more proslavery settlers in the Kansas Territory. Antislavery settlers rejected and elected government. in response John Brown led seven men in a massacre. After the victoms where found more violence spread, civil war broke out in Kansas.
pictured is a scene where violence broke out. It doesn't have a name of the picture. -
Caning of Charles Sumner
Charles Sumner was beat due to insulting A. P. Butler. A family member of Butler attacked Sumner. he beat him unconsious with his came and caused bad injuries that disabled him. Northerners where shocked at the act of violence and decided to start a new political organization. the Republican Party. the South was cheered by the act though.
Pictured is Brooks beating up Sumner. -
Attack on Harper's Ferry
John Brown planned to capture weapons in the U.S. arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Brown lead 18 followers. 13whites and 5blacks. they got the weopons and began rallying and arming local slaves. It turned out that none of the slaves joined the fight. the U.S. marines attacked Brown, ten men were killed and seven where captured. Brown got charged for many things and was hanged. The North was horrified by the sentence, and the South was "delighted."
pictured: a painting of Harper Ferry Virgina -
Election of 1860
The election of 1860 turned into two different races for presidency. One was in the North the other in the South. Lincoln and Douglass only had support in the north and Breckinridge and Bell competef for Southern votes. The outcome of the election turned out that Lincoln won the votes. It showed that the nation was tired of compromise. The Southerners didn't trust him and thaught that he would abolish slavery even though he said he didn't.
Pictured is President Lincoln. -
Before the election of 1860 Southerners warned that if Lincoln won they would Seceed from the Union. On December 20, 1860 South Carolina Seceeded from the Union shortly after so did Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. The states that dropped out decided to get to gether and call themselves the Confederate States of America. Jefferson Davis Was the first presedent.
Pictured is the Confederate flag.