Civil war

Causes of Chinese Civil War

  • Period: to

    Qing Dynasty

    This was the last dynasty that ruled China (also known as Manchu Dynasty), after the political conflicts started with western powers the dynasty became weaker until its end
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    First Opium War

    England tried to start trade with China after the loose of the 13 colonies, but they had cultural conflicts China denied the trade which caused the lost of black tea. England started to sell opium to chinese people, but the government started extreme rules to cut opium trade. Then England tried to conquer hong kong but China could defeat the naval forces and forced England to give and burn all the opium.
  • Period: to

    Taiping Rebellion

    was a civil war between the Qing dynasty and the Taiping kingdom, this war originated because Taiping people wanted to expand Christianism
  • Period: to

    Self Strengthening Movement

    Also known as Tongzhi restoration, is the period of institutional reforms after the Opium War and other rebellion. It was a kind of westernization for China.
  • First Sino-Japanese War

    First Sino-Japanese War
    Conflict between China and Japan for the control of Korea
    Winner: Japan
  • Period: to

    Boxer Rebellion

    Anti-foreign/colonial/christian/westernization movement, applied violent to defend nationalist ideals
  • Ruso- Japanese War

    Ruso- Japanese War
    A conflict between Russia and Japan for the control of Manchuria (region of China)
    Winner: Japan
  • Pu-Yi proclaimed emperor of China

    Pu-Yi proclaimed emperor of China
    After the last emperor died, Pu-yi took power but he was only 2 years old. His brother wasn't capable to rule and made terrible decisions
  • Double Tenth Revolution

    Double Tenth Revolution
    The revolution that overthrew the last imperial dynasty and established the Republic of China which was divided in two factions: North and South.
    The north was led by Yuan Shikai, a military.
    The south was led by Sun Yatsen, a philosopher
  • End of the Qing Dynasty

    End of the Qing Dynasty
    overthrew by tenth revolution
  • Period: to

    First Republic of China

    After provinces declared independent they were divided in North and South. Then Yuan Shikai and Sun Yatsen had the opportunity to unify the provinces
  • Period: to

    Rule of Yuan Shikai

    After Sun Yixian (leader of the Southern provinces) and Yuan Shikai (leader of the northern provinces) arranged a deal, Yuan Shikai was named the president of the Chinese Republic because of his military experience. His government failed with the implementation of a parliament
  • Period: to

    Warlord Era

    The warlords were the owners of certain parts of China after Shikai's death.
    The Zhang Zuolin was the biggest one and possessed Manchuria
    but the most powerful was the GMD
  • The Guomindang won the National assembly

    The Guomindang won the National assembly
    The GMD won most part of the votes beeing the first political party in China.
    They followed three principles: Nationalism, Democracy and people's livelihood. But they didn't followed does priniciples
  • Shikai disolved national assembly

    Yuan Shikai didn't agree to share his power so he disolved the national assembly and came back to the old ideas of Dynasties
  • the Grand constitutional era

    the Grand constitutional era
    Shikai had 12 of the 18 provinces under his power, he proclaimed himself emperor of a New dynasty and started "the Grand constitutional era"
  • The May Fourth Movement

    The May Fourth Movement
    It was a movement of students and teachers against the Versailles conference, they used violence against the Japanese Prime minister.
    It was a movement that made a Transition to modern China, it introduced communist ideas and define imperialism as the main cause of Chinese problems
  • Creation of the CCP

    Creation of the CCP
    Mao Zeodong created the communist party after may the fourth movement
  • 1st United front

    1st United front
    The CCP and the GMD unify their forces and formed the first united front in order to end the warlord era
  • White Terror

    White Terror
    After the success of the war against the warlords, Jiang Jieshi started to become closer to middle classes and broke every alliance with the communist for his benefit. The GMD expelled and killed communist and forced the CCP to hide, it was the beginning of The Chinese Civil War between both parties