Causes Leading to the Civil War

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  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    Slavery laws were not adressed within the Declaration, so when it came to slavery, everything was unruly.
  • 3/5's Compromise

    3/5's Compromise
    Slaves were considered 3/5th's of a person, which may have angered many people.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Slaves became more valuable after the invention of the cotton gin because it allowed farmers to expand out west, giving more land for the slaves to work. By giving them more land, you don't see them as often, hence, making them valuable.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    It split the north and the south into pro-slave or anit-slave states/territories.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    This made northerners frown upon the idea of slavery, which upset southerners, considering that the whole story was fictional.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    People moved to the new territory because of popular soveirgnty, which would decide if the territory shall become slave free or not.
  • John Brown Murders

    John Brown Murders
    This event scared southerners because they believed that all northerners were as crazy as John Brown.
  • Charles Sumner gets beaten

    Charles Sumner gets beaten
    This event made northerners and southerners even more angry at each other, possibly thinking that the opposing side was no good, or lousy.
  • Election of Abe Lincoln

    Election of Abe Lincoln
    This was a realization moment for the south, because it had showed them that they had no political power.
  • John Brown executed

    John Brown executed
    This angered northerners even more than before because John Brown was a hero to them.