Union   confederate flag

Causes/Events leading up to the civil war!

  • First ever slaves.

    First ever slaves.
    To start off slavery, a dutch ship brings roughly 20 africans to the virginia as servants (Slaves)
  • The quakers.

    The quakers.
    First ever anti-slave group was established by James pemberton. They called themselves the “Quakers”
  • William lloyd garrison

    William lloyd garrison
    “WLG” (William lloyd garrison) published “The liberator” book about abolishment. Big movement about slavery.
  • Slave revolt!

    Slave revolt!
    Nat Turner leads a slave revolt and murders roughly 58 white men.
  • First tarrif set in place.

    A new tariff is set in place. Which offers S.C and the southern states relief.
  • Compromise in tariff's.

    The compromise tariff of 1832. in which the president could use the navy and army to enforce federal laws.
  • Presidential rights

    Presidential rights
    The compromise tariff of 1832. in which the president could use the navy and army to enforce federal laws.
  • Anti Slavery group

    Anti Slavery group
    The “American anti-slavery” is established in philidelphia
  • Frederick douglass

    Frederick douglass
    Frederick douglass writes a autobiography about himself and his life as a slave. Increases more people turn be anti-Slavery.
  • California is free!

    California is free!
    The compromise of 1850. It was to establish california as a free state and also for texas not to expand into mexico.
  • President is elected!

    President is elected!
    Abe lincoln wins the election, in which the southern states were furious mainly because abe was anti slavery. In which caused the southern states to resede and recreate their own government. “The confederacy”