Causes, Events, and Effects of the most Intense Political Battle Ever

  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Yalta Conference

    The Yalta Conference is one of the last Post WWII conferences. Here Stalin and Truman decide Germany's fate, which is to be seperated into East and West.
  • United Nations Founded

    To replace the League of Nations, the United Nations is formed in post-WWII negotiations. Both the Soviet Union and America join the organization.
  • Korea Divided

    At the 38th paralell, Korea is divided into North and South. As a former colony of Japan, a convention in Geneva seperates the Communist North and the Nationalist South after WWII.
  • Marshall Plan

    America helps restore Western Europe in post WWII damages so that the countries will favor Capitalism and Democracy, and not vote in or allow Communist Parties to take power in those countries.
  • Chinese Civil War Ends

    After a long civil war, Communist leader, Mao Zedong beats Nationalist leader, Jiang Jieshi. This establishes China as a new Communist country ruled by a great leader, who will eventually falter.
  • Vietnam Split

    Following the French-Indo war in Vietnam, and a successful Vietnamese victory, Vietnam is seperated into Communist North, and Nationalist South. America supports the South and the U.S.S.R. supports the North.
  • Sputnik Launched

    The first ever successful sattalite is launched by the Soviets, and unofficialy begins the space race.
  • NASA Founded

    In response to the beginning of the space race, the U.S.A. establishes NASA, as a program to keep up with the Soviet expansion into sapce.
  • Man on the Moon

    An unofficial bgeinning to the end of the space race occurs when the United States lands the first man on the moon, (Neil Armstrong).
  • American Hostages in Iran

    After much anti-American dissent from citizens of Iran, they seize the Unites States Embassy in Tehran and take over fifty hostages for more than a year.
  • Iranian Hostages are Released

    (See American Hostages)
  • Berlin Wall Collapses

    Berlin is finnaly unified as one Berlin and not into any sectors/zones. This also marks the beginning of the very end of the Soviet Union.
  • Germany Reunified

    From the end of the Yalta Conference in the forties, Germany is finnaly one Germany, and not east or west.
  • Soviet Union is No More

    Officially ending the Cold War, Russia is established in place of the Soviet Union. Russia is now a Capitalist and Democratic country. The only remaining Communist power is now China.