causes of american revultion

By hillgw
  • French and Indian

    French and Indian
    The French and Indian War was apart of a larger global conflict called the Seven Years War. The French and British had the most territorial disputes within North America during this war. Both countries wanted access to the profitable fur trade business and the cheap fertile land west of the Appalachian Mountains. Although the British lost majority of the initial battles they ultimately won the war. The war caused relations to worsen between the British and the Colonists.
  • Sugar act

    Sugar act
    The British Parliament passed the Sugar Act in 1764 in order to help pay for their debt from the French and Indian War as well as to pay for the troops guarding the Proclamation Line of 1763. It forced the colonists to pay a 3 cent tax on goods like sugar, coffee, indigo and certain kinds of alcohol. The colonists were not happy with this law because they had no say in parliament. The slogan “No Taxation without Representation” became popular in the colonies.
  • The stamp act

    The stamp act
    The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act in 165 in order to support the British soldiers protecting the Proclamation Line. The Stamp Act required that a stamp purchased by the British government had to be placed on all important documents like court papers, newspapers and even playing cards. The colonists were outraged because they were paying for troops that were keeping them out of the land they had just fought for in the French and Indian War and they still had no representation in tax.
  • Sons of liberty

    Sons of liberty
    A well-organized political organization shrouded in secrecy that was established to undermine British rule in colonial America. This group sprang up in port cities like Boston and NYC.
  • Townshend acts

    Townshend acts
    The Townshend Acts taxed imported items such as paper, glass, paint and tea. The English Parliament passed this act to cover costs of the French and Indian War, as well as to show that they still had power over the colonies. The colonists were outraged with this act so they held public demonstrations, boycotted products and smuggled in goods. Parliament eventually decided to repeal this act because of colonial protests.
  • Boston massacare

    Boston massacare
    On March 5 1770 there was a violent confrontation between the British soldiers and the colonists in Boston. In my opinion it is the colonists fault. I think that because the colonists were throwing ice and clamshells and taunting the british with words and clubs. The british fired when a british soldier heard the words “damn your bloods why don't you FIRE” that's how the boston massacre happen.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    This new tax law was not designed to raise taxes in the colonies. The tea act was created to help the East sell the rest of there left over tea with tax. The colonists did not like that. To protest they throw tea of boats and they made all the sailors and tea stay on the boat.
  • The boston tea party

    The boston tea party
    The Boston tea party was made to destroy tea and fight the tax. The colonist started dressing up like Indians and through 346 crates in the sea. The punishment was the intolerable acts. They dressed up like Indians because they were hiding their identity.
  • Intolerable acts

    Intolerable acts
    the intolerable acts were the punishments for the boston tea party. The colonists named these laws the intolerable acts because they were truly intolerable acts.
  • The first Continental congress

    The first Continental congress
    The first continental congress was a meeting in the carpenters hall of Pennsylvania. The meeting consisted of one person from every one of the 13 colonies.
  • Battle of Lexington concord

    Battle of Lexington concord
    The battles of Lexington and concord were the kick starter to the american revolution. these two battles were fought by regular men they were led by a farmer and a the battle of concord the men barely escaped but they managed to go back to there base and stash there guns. The second battle however was a huge win for the colonist and they drove the British all the way back to Boston.