Abraham Lincoln is Elected President
When Lincoln was elected, the states began to secede from the Union. -
Secession Begins
States begin to secede from the Union. South Carolina is the first to secede. -
The CSA Begins to Form
After more and more states started to secede, they wrote their own constitution, elected their own president, and started a new Confederacy called The Confederate States of America (CSA) -
Lincoln Gets Inaugurated
Lincoln enters Washington D.C. in disguise because of unrest. Meanwhile, Southerners start attacking federal posts. -
Fort Sumter Attacked
Lincoln supplies Ft. Sumter, but the South wants the first shot. -
The Bull Run Begins
McDowell leads 30,000 men against Johnston's 22,000 Southern troops in an attempt to defeat the rebels and go "On to Richmond." -
Forts Henry and Donelson Captured
Grant captures two forts on the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. -
Monitor Vs. Merimac
The first ironclad battle in history ends in a draw as the Merrimac withdraws after daylong exchange of fire. -
The Battle of Shiloh
Grant overcomes Southern forces with heavy losses on each side. -
New Orleans is Seized for the Union
Farragut seizes New Orleans for Union after boldly attacking Southern position. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln announces that on 1/1/63, all slaves in the rebelling states would be free. -
The Battle of Gettysburg
Over 165,000 soldiers participate in the largest battle in the Western Hemisphere. After three days of fighting, Lee retreats, leaving 4,000 dead Confederates. -
Grant Promoted Lt. General
When Lincoln's Cabinet complains that Grant is a drunk and seeks to interfere with his command, Lincoln gives him unconditional support and asks not to be notified of his plan. -
The Battles of Atlanta to Savannah
Sherman destroys Atlanta and then sends troops on 300 mile destructive march to the sea. -
Lee Surrenders
Lee, refusing to see his troops suffer any further, surrenders to Grant.