Missori comprimise 1820
Henry Clay was apart of the Missouri Comprimise of 1820 in Missouri. The people were arguing weather Missouri being or addmitting to be a slve state or free of slaves. They were concerned that slave free ststed could win majority in congress to ban slavery. Also called for slavery to be baned from the Louisiana territory north of parallel 36,o30 missoris souther border. -
Wilmot proviso
In 1846 Wilmot Proviso before the the U.S house of represenatives amended a bill. It was to help during the Mexican war give $2 million and was to enable for President Polk from negotiating the treaty.It would add and adittion of Pro-Slavery. Slavery population continued to grow and then a formation of a republican party in 1854. -
compromise of 1850
In 1850 in california they could not gain statehood, however, without the approval or congress. Henry clay was trying to please north, californiato be addmited to a free state. Slave trade can be abollished in Wahington D.C. south of congress. -
Fugitive slave act
It was a law to capture and return the slaves by congress tor return to their owners. Some juries passed pearsonal liberty laws which allowed slaves to move. There main point was to recapture the slaves but at the end Slaves still gained freedom from their owners. They owed a fine of $1,000 but who ever brought them gained a promotion on their work. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Nebraska in 1854 the north and the south had a hieghtend conflict. It gave millions or farmland and rail roads were also invested in this. Douglass had an unsecsessful plan to orginize Nebraskas territoory and create new railroads.The were going to build ithe railroads in Nebraska and west of Missouri only if they would un ban slavery but they refused. -
Bleeding Kansas
In 1854 Kansas was debating weather to be a Slave or free slave state. It turned intoa bloody and violent fight to boycott the government. They rused in Kansas to vote for territorial legislature. They were a borderd union and also presured leading into civil war. -
Dred scott vs. sandford
A decision by the supreme court wheather the slaves were enslaved or free. They were not citizend and had no right to sue the govenrnment. Dred scott attemtet to sue the government to gain freedome he was enslaved and was sent to the free states. He prohibited slavery in 1819 in a slave state he was 20- 24. He had 3 diffrent owners and his last one sent him to a slave free state to be enslaved. -
Lincoln-Douglas debate
In 1858 U.s terrirories the repulicans charged that the Democratic wanted to leaglize slavery. They were attaking idividual democratics this driven repubican partys away and then they wanted a slave free states but they set up a democratic party that led the votes going away from douglas. Douglas did notwant a half slave half free state. He wanted slaves states so the Slaves would not be apart of the States in a way lincoln wanted it to be.