Civil war battle 2

Cause of the Civil War- Emily Hoff

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Henry Clay played a significant part in the Missouri Compromise of 1820. This event took place because the North wanted Missouri to be a free state, and the South wanted a slave state. Then Maine was taken away from Massachusetts which made the North angry. This event happens in Missouri, and Missouri and Maine became Free states which made the south angry. That was the Missouri Compromise.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    David Wilmot was an important person in this event because, the bill he passed said that the Mexican-American War was almost over. This event took place because the South wanted recognition that slavery was banned in the northern states and they were angry. This affected history because they banned slavery in the north and it was a step towards banning slavery everywhere. This event took place in all of America at the time.
  • 12th President Zachary Taylor

    12th President Zachary Taylor
    This was the 12th President Zachary Taylor he was elected in 1849 and was a war hero. He was elected because he was a slave owner so he was popular in the south. Taylor was a nationalist and wanted the west to be a free state. This made the south feel betrayed and angry. Taylor was brought up a compromise, The compromise of 1850. Which he didn't sign and threatens to veto. He than dies one year after his presidency from eating bad cherries.
  • 13th President Millard Fillmore

    13th President Millard Fillmore
    Millard Fillmore was a poser. He was a poor person with nothing to do. So he became a president and did a horrible thing. He supported the Compromise of 1850. This compromise made everyone angry and he didn't want that. He fired all his cabinet, because he was sad that he w=made everyone angry at him.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Henry Clay was a big part of this Compromise. This event was made because the north didn't wanted slaves and the south wanted slaves. Also California wanted to be a 1 free state, and the north was happy because it became a free state and It had gold! The south was mad but thought that California wasn't a good place for cotton anyway. This was an impact full event because it was during the gold rush and a lot of people were going west. This event took place in California.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    This event affected lots of colored people's lives. This event took place because people were kidnapping free slaves or just colored people in the North and bringing them to the South to become slaves. This event took place In all of the US, north and south. There were many kidnappings that took place, this event took place because the compromise of 1850 made laws that people didn't agree with.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    The author of Uncle Tom's Cabin is Harriet Stowe. This event impacted everyone because they found out the truth about slaves and how they were treated. The north was shocked and felt like they had to do something. While the south banned the story and didn't believe it. This event took place everywhere and impacted everyone.
  • 14th President Franklin Pierce

    14th President Franklin Pierce
    The 14th president Franklin Pierce was a northern man from New Hampshire. He was a democrat and the son of a war hero. Pierce was friends with Andrew Jackson so he connections to the presidency. His first problem was to see if the railroads would go through Atlanta or Chicago. This would be an inevitable thing to pass. He decides the railroad to go to Chicago. After this his son dies in an accident and he becomes a drunk. The Bleeding Kansas event going on he thought was out of his control.
  • Creation of the Republican Party

    Creation of the Republican Party
    The people who were involved were all of the republicans. This event took place because there was a political party that was against slavery. What took place in this event was several meetings about anti slavery. This event impacted history because it created one of the most famous political parties, Republican and democrat. This event took place in Ripon, Washington.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Stephen Douglas was a key part in this because he made a bill that cut into two territories, Missouri and Kansas. This event took place because the south wanted the railroads to go through Chicago but the North wanted it to go through Atlanta. Then the South wanted Kansas to be a slave state. So they started scaring everyone in Kansas that wanted to be a free state. The north was scared so they ran for it. This event impacted history because it was a massacre for the northerners.
  • Sumner Caning

    Sumner Caning
    This event was named after Charles Sumner because Preston Brooks attacked Charles with a cane and almost got beaten to death. This event took place because Sumner made a speech that Brooks didn't agree with. This event impacted history because this humiliated the south because they believed in slavery. The north agrees with Sumner but thinks he went a little too far. In the southern eyes Brooks war a hero and they were glad he stood up for slave owners.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    This event involved Dred Scott an innocent African American. This event took place because Dred Scott wanted to sue his previous owner because he was a former slave.The Dred Scott case took place in the Supreme court, and he was guilty. This event impacted everyone because slavery was legal everywhere now. This event made the North very angry because they wanted to ban slavery. The south was very happy that slaves were legal now.
  • 15th President James Buchanan

    15th President James Buchanan
    The 15th president James Buchanan was a Democratic lawyer. He was also the secretary of state and was in congress. James lived in Britain for 4 years.This Presidency was during the Dred Scott case which was a very important historical event. He decided to take this case to the Supreme court. Dred Scott (the slave) lost his case. He then got very nervous and pushed the presidency onto Lincoln.
  • Lincoln- Douglas Debate

    Lincoln- Douglas Debate
    The people that were involved in this event were Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas.This event took place because the south didn't want Lincoln to become president because he spoke too clearly and prominent. The North wanted him because he wanted slaves to be banned. What took place in this event was a debate that started August 21,1858 and ended on October, 15 1858.This event took place because one of our most famous presidents was losing, because no one trusted him.This event was in Illinois.
  • Harper's Ferry

    Harper's Ferry
    The main person involved in this act was John Brown. This event took place because Brown was trying to plan an attack and no one stood beside him. This event impacted history because in the North he was looked at as a hero or a martyr, he died for a cause. While the south looked at him like he was crazy and a terrorist. This event took place in West Virginia.
  • Lincoln's Election of 1860

    Lincoln's Election of 1860
    This event involves our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln. This event took place because Lincoln won the presidential debate of 1860. This event impacted history because this is one of our most famous presidents, the one who freed the slaves. This event happened in Illinois and will change our country forever. The north was happy because "no slaves" and the south will be very angry.
  • Southern Secession

    Southern Secession
    The civil war involved everyone to fight for their country. This event took place because for many years the US had been fighting with everyone, citizens, political parties, and presidents. What took place in this event was a war that took a few years to solve. This impacted history as one of the most famous war in the US history.This event was everywhere, the water, the south, and the north.