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Cause & Effects of the Second World War

By Ohk4y
  • Russian Bolshevicks rebel in October Revolution

    Russian Bolshevicks rebel in October Revolution
  • Period: to

    The Sexy-Span

  • Weimar Republic is Established in Germany

    Weimar Republic is Established in Germany
  • Mussolini comes to power in Italy

    Mussolini comes to power in Italy
  • Kellogg-Briand peace pact is signed by almost every country in the world

    Kellogg-Briand peace pact is signed by almost every country in the world
  • Multiple Events

    Multiple Events
    •U.S. Stock market crashed.
    •Stalin becomes dictator of Soviet Union
    •Great Depression Begins
  • Hirohito's Japan seizes Manchuria

    Hirohito's Japan seizes Manchuria
  • Hitler is named chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is named chancellor of Germany
  • Ethiopia is invaded by Italian forces

    Ethiopia is invaded by Italian forces
  • Spanish civil war begins

    Spanish civil war begins
  • Multiple Events

    Multiple Events
    •Germany and soviet Union sign nonaggression pact
    •Germany invades Poland
    •World war 2 begins
  • Multiple Events

    Multiple Events
    •Britain evacuates forces from Dunkirk
    •France Surrenders
    •The battle oif britain begins
  • Multiple Events

    Multiple Events
    •Japan attacks pearl harbor
    •U.S. declares war on japan
  • Multiple Events

    Multiple Events
    •Bataan deathmarch beigins
    •allies turn back japanese
    •allies surrender in philippines
    •allies defeat japan in battle ofd midway
    •hitler ordewrs attck on stalingrad
    •allies land in nort africa
  • Multiple Events

    Multiple Events
    •Germans surrender at stalin grad
    •Japanese suffer defeat at battle of guadalunal
  • Multiple Events

    Multiple Events
    •Allies defeat japan in battle of leyte gulf
    •battle of the bulge begins
    •allies invade europe on d-day
  • Multiple Event

    Multiple Event
    •Allies capture iwo jima
    •Germany surrenders
    •Okinawa falls to allies
    •Allies drop atomic bombs on Hiroshma and Nagasake
    •Japan surrenders