
  • The Eroupean Settlement

    The Eroupean Settlement
    The First Fleet arrived in Australia to start the European Settlement. There bwas 1044 convicts on the first fleet and 316 of the convicts were Catholic
  • A Convict Priest Fr. James Dixon

    A Convict Priest Fr. James Dixon
    A Convict Priest Fr. James Dixon was givern permission to celebrate Catholic mass. As long as he only done simple mass and nothing else but he was accused of preaching that convicts should start a rebellionis things so it only lasted for 10 months
  • Fr. Jeremiah O' Flynn

    Fr. Jeremiah O' Flynn
    Fr. Jeremiah O' Flynn came to minister the catholics of australia but was arrested because he was acused for preching and deported in 1818
  • Fr. John Terry and Fr. Philip Connolly

    Fr. John Terry and Fr. Philip Connolly
    The first offical appionted priests were Fr. John Terry and Fr. Philip Connolly arrived in australia
  • John Bede Polding

    John Bede Polding
    The First catholic Bishop, John Bede Polding arrived in Australia and he orginised the Catholic Church Of australia into Regions and Dioceses
  • John Bede Polding

    John Bede Polding
    John Bede Polding became the first archbishop of Sydney
  • Religious Groups and Orders

    Religious Groups and Orders
    Religious Groups and Orders were starting to form and develop
  • Establishment of the University of Sydney

    Establishment of the University of Sydney
    The British Connoly built and Establishment of the University of Sydney