catholic monarch

By jimena1
  • 1468

    Concordia de los toros de guisado

    Concordia de los toros de guisado
    Are historiographic names for a meeting that took place on September 18 or 19, 1468, it was agreed that the successor of Henry IV would be Elizabeth and not his daughter Juana.
  • Oct 19, 1469

    catholic monarch alliance

    catholic monarch alliance
    were Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon, whose marriage and joint rule marked the de facto unification of Spain. They were both from the House of Trastámara
  • 1474

    Enrique IV dies

    Enrique IV dies
    nicknamed the Impotent, was the last of the weak late-medieval kings of Castile and León
  • 1475

    segovia agreement

    segovia agreement
    It was a treaty signed by Isabel and her husband Fernando. In this treaty, the role that Fernando would assume in the administration and kingdom of Castile was established.
  • 1475

    war of the Castlian succession beggins

    war of the Castlian succession beggins
    The war of Castilian succession was a war that took place from 1474 to 1479 for the succession of the Crown of Castile between the supporters of Juana de Trastámara
  • 1476

    battle of Toro

    battle of Toro
    The battle secured the crown in the hands of Isabel "la Católica". In the battle the troops of the Catholic Monarchs faced the Portuguese of King Alfonso V.
  • 1478

    Spanish inquisition established

    Spanish inquisition established
    was an institution founded in 1478 by the Catholic Monarchs to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms
  • 1479

    treaty of Alcáçovas

    treaty of Alcáçovas
    He declared peace between the kingdom of Portugal and the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon and put an end to hostilities after the War of the Castilian Succession
  • 1482

    War of Granada start

    War of Granada start
    It occurred during the confrontation between Christian and Muslim rulers in the territory of the Iberian Peninsula. The city fell on January 2, 1492 after being besieged for several months
  • 1492

    Expulsion of Jews

    Expulsion of Jews
    consequences: the number of converts increased and a social division between old Christians and new Christians was consolidated
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Conquest of Granada

    Conquest of Granada
    King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella I of Castille conquered the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada
  • Dec 10, 1492

    Discovery of America

    Discovery of America
    Christopher Columbus is credited with discovering the Americas in 1492. Americans get a day off work on October 10 to celebrate Columbus Day
  • 1494

    treaty of Tordesillias

    treaty of Tordesillias
    establishes the distribution of the maritime and terrestrial zones that were discovered from a line
  • 1496

    conquest of canary islands

    conquest of canary islands
    The conquest of the Canary Islands was the process by which this archipelago, inhabited by aboriginal peoples, was incorporated by military occupation into the Crown of Castile
  • 1501

    Forced conversion of muslims

    Forced conversion of muslims
    Islamic law prohibits forced conversion, following the Quranic principle that there is "no compulsion in religion
  • 1504

    Death of Isabel I

    Death of Isabel I
    Isabella I of Castile was queen of Castile from 1474 to 1504
  • 1505

    Laws of Toro

    Laws of Toro
    extended the right to entail family estates on the eldest child, further safeguarded the stability of noble property
  • 1505

    Expansion of Castilian in Nothern Africa

    Expansion of Castilian in Nothern Africa
    unification of the Christian kingdoms under the banners of the kings Isabel I of Castile and Fernando II of Aragon, this unification made possible the expulsion of the Arabs from the Spanish cities
  • 1506

    Felipe I died and Fernando II regent

    Felipe I died and Fernando II regent
    called "the Handsome", he was titular Duke of Burgundy
  • 1515

    Conquest of Navarra

    Conquest of Navarra
    was the process of annexation of the Kingdom of Navarra by the Kingdom of Castile
  • 1516

    Fernando II death

    Fernando II death
    Fernando II of Aragón
  • 1516

    Carlos I becomes king

    Carlos I becomes king