The Escape Plan
Katniss meets Gale in the woods to propose a plan to escape distrist 12 with their families. When they get out of the woods Gale kisses Katniss -
President Snow Visit
President Snow visits Katniss at her house and warns her the districts are rebelling because of her pulling out the berries in the hunger games. He tells her she has to convince them she did because she loves Peeta not an act of rebellion. -
Victory Tour of Love
Katniss and Peeta go on their victory tour. They can't stop the rebellions, and only make them worse. At the end of the tour Peeta proposes to Katniss in front of the whole country. -
The Peacemakers get Harsher
District 12 gets a new harsher head Peacemaker. He whips Gale after catching him hunting outside district 12. Katniss saves Gale and takes the whip to her face. -
The Punishment
Every 25 years the Capitol has a Quarter Quell which is the Hunger Games with a twist. This year the 75 year past victors have to reenter the arena. District 12 only has one female victor so Katniss has to go the Hunger Games again. -
Boot Camp
Peeta takes all the alcohol away from Haymitch and Katniss. (mostly Haymitch) He insists on training for the games and that they act like careers. They watch the past victors Hunger Games recap videos to learn their fighting techniques. -
The Reaping
Katniss gets picked obviously and Peeta volunteers for Haymitch. They are not even allowed time to say their good byes and are rushed into the train heading to the capitol. -
Pre-Hunger Games Events
Katniss and Peeta arrive at the capital. They start training and meeting the other victors. They both do rebellious thing during their private training and receive high scores. Katniss has to wear her wedding dress during her interview and Cinna rigs it so the dress turns into a mockingjay. -
Katniss loses another close friend
Right before Katniss gets taken into the arena three peacemakers come and torture Cinna and take him away. -
The Bloodbath
When Katniss gets into the arena she realizes she is surrounded by water and has to swim to the cornucopia. Finnick and her are the first to get to the cornucopia and become allies. -
Tick Tock
Katniss, Peeta, Finnick, and Mags receive a spile to get water out of the trees. A dangerous fog forces them to escape to the beach and Mags dies. When they meet district 3 and Johanna they figure out the arena is a clock with a different terror at each hour. -
The Trap
Beetee plans on setting an electric trap using wire and the strike of lightning at 12 o'clock. While setting the trap Johanna attacks Katniss and runs away with 2 careers chasing her. Katniss goes to the lightning tree and sends the lightning into the force field. -
Good and Bad News
Katniss learns she was saved. She is told the head gamemaker and many other people including the victors had a plan to keep her alive. She finds out that Peeta was caught by the capitol and not saved and district 12 has been bombed and is gone. Gale and her family were saved though.