Forts of The Roman Empire
Roman armies on the move made these fortified encampments whenver they were on a campaign. Some were permanent outposts like the one above, others were temporary shelters. These forts may have wooden walls if they are built on the move, or they may have stone walls if they are more permanet establishments. -
Great Wall Of China
The Great Wall Of China is completed. On the wall there are turrets, which are small castles in themselves which house a number of soldiers. These turrets evolved into larger castles as time went on. -
Nov 5, 600
Byzantine City Castles
The Byzantine empire was the direct continuation of the Roman Empire. At times the Byzantine empire was even larger than the Roman empire. The Byzantine Empire perfected fortified cities with large walls. The picture above is a part of the walls of Constantinople the capital of the Byzantine empire. These were built around large cities in the empire. This protected them from barbarian hordes. They were built of concrete mostly. -
Nov 5, 1130
Norman Keep
As the Normans expaneded their possesions they needed ways to lock down their empire. They built stone or wooden towers surrounded by walls of similar materials. The tower would have windows shaped like slits so only an arrow could fit through. An opposing archer would have to take a harder shot to hit the archer inside. These Norman keeps could be verys mall or very large. Often they were built on top of prominent hills. -
Nov 5, 1300
German Rectangular Keep Castle
In Germany and parts of easteren France small multiple storie castles were built. They were often built in the middle of villages and towns as a home for a rich family. Thsese castles could be up to 10 stories tall. -
Nov 5, 1500
Fall of Medeival Castles
As heavy siege artillery began to be developed so did new types of "castles". These castles were smaller and guarded strategic geographic points. Many larger castles were still built but they were falling out of use. -
Colonial Stone Forts
As castles became out of use and civil wars lessened fewer castles were built. These forts were built primarily in the colonies of France and England. They were built primarily in the American colonies between 1650 and 1770. They guraded key waterways and other geographic features. They were stocked with high powered cannons to bombard ships from afar, and to soak up a lot of damge while keeping it's structural and armnaments integrity. Earthworks were used to protect the inhabitants. -
Fort Niagara Near Buffalo
As cannons became more powerful, forts evolved into stone forts lowered under and behind earthen defenses with ideal firing positions. One fort such as this is pictured above. cannons are entrenched in a few key firing positions with strong earthen defenses on one side and the ocean on another. Thes fort are beginning to look less and less like castles of old. There was much heavy limestone construction. -
Star Shaped Forts at the mouth of Bays
Forts enhanced their defenses using earthworks. These forts were at the mouth of bays and key river points. It's defenses were almost impenetrable on narrow points in rivers because, of their sunken design. Cannon balls would sail right over the fort. -
Jimmy Connolly Works Cited
"Fort McHenry." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Oct. 2012. Web. 02 Nov. 2012. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_McHenry.
"Fort Niagara." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 31 Oct. 2012. Web. 02 Nov. 2012. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Niagara.
"Life in a Norman Castle." Life in a Norman Castle. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2012. http://www.middle-ages.org.uk/life-in-norman-castle.htm.
"Motte and Bailey Castles." Motte and Bailey Castles. -
Moderen US Military Forts
As high powered artillerey and the widespread use of air-borne missles and bombs forts are totally obsolete. What are modernely called Forts are nothing like forts of old. These forts are usually large training centers for military forces. -
Motte and Bailey Castle
Motte and Bailey castles were the first widespread castles that were built under local feudal lords and leaders. The castle consisted of a motte surrounding a village below the hill. A retractable bridge would be the only way into the village. Above the village there is a large steep hill with a wallled stone or thatch csatle with archer positions. These castles were very common in England and France.