Case Study GreenPeace International

  • Greenpeace starting

    Greenpeace starting
  • Nuclear weapon test

    Nuclear weapon test
    Nuclear weapon test
  • kidnapping of political figures

    kidnapping of political figures
    day of concert, tanks rolling down street in montreal. concert not canceled. first greenpeace benefit concert
  • greenpeace leaving on the boat for protest

    greenpeace leaving on the boat for protest
    stopped by us coast guard
  • bomb detonated

    bomb detonated
    before greenpeace got to it
  • helpin da whaaaales

    helping whales
  • siting russian whale shi[p

    SAVE DA WHALES. except it hit two ):

    ): hurting the baby seals, canadian parliament sides with seal hunters
  • greenpeace return to help seals

    hunters ready. paul watson was 'attacked' by the hunters.
  • greenpeace international born

  • Greebpeace international born 1979- Canadian invention Vancouver

  • Early 1980s campaiugn against dumping of radioactive waste in ocean

  • July 10 two explosions sunk the rainbow warrior Fernando perera killed by second bomb