Case Enel

  • Enel was founded

    Enel, which originally stood for Ente nazionale per l'energia elettrica (National Electricity Board), was first established as a public body at the end of 1962
  • COELCE is formed

    Foi criada em 30 de agosto de 1971 por meio da Lei Estadual nº. 9.477 de 5 de julho de 1971, a partir da unificação de quatro empresas de distribuição de energia elétrica, então existentes no Estado do Ceará: Companhia de Eletricidade do Cariri (CELCA), Eletrificação Centro-Norte do Ceará (CENORT), Companhia Nordeste de Eletrificação de Fortaleza (CONEFOR) e Companhia de Eletrificação do Nordeste (CERNE).[1]
  • First National Energy Plan, aim to reduce dependency on fossil fuels

    In 1975, as a result of the 1973 oil crisis and the austerity measures, and following the establishment of the first National Energy Plan (PEN), the aim of the company became that of reducing Enel's dependence on hydrocarbons, which was to be achieved with the use of other energy sources, including hydro, geothermal, coal, reducing waste, and, in particular, the use of nuclear power.[26][51][52]
  • Enel built the first large scale compact linear Fresnel reflector concentrated solar power plant

    In 1981, with the help of the European Economic Community, Enel built the first large scale compact linear Fresnel reflector concentrated solar power plant, the 1 MWe Eurelios power station in Adrano (Sicily).[70]
  • PV solar station of Vulcano in Sicily became active

  • Italy's first wind farm became operational in Sardinia

  • First referendum on on nuclear power won by opposing side

    In 1987, in the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster, the first referendum on nuclear power took place and was won by those opposed to nuclear power. This result marked the end of nuclear power in Italy, the closing and suspension of all construction of nuclear power stations, and the establishment of a new national energy plan.
  • Period: to

    Liberalization of Italian electricity market

  • Enel was transformed into a limited company

  • CELCE is privatized

    Foi privatizada em 2 de abril de 1998. Atualmente, a empresa de capital aberto tem ações negociadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo (B3) e é controlada pela holding Enel Brasil, que detém 56,6% do capital total e 91,66% do capital votante.[2] Suas atividades são fiscalizadas e regulamentadas pelas agências reguladoras ARCE e ANEEL.
  • Enel was privatized

    In 1999, 31.7% of the company, in its new structure, was privatised. Following privatization, Enel was put on the stock market; its shares were listed on the Italian Stock Exchange with a value of €4.3 per share; the total number was 4,183 million shares for a total value of €18 billion.[86][87]
  • Enel split into separate generation, distribution, and transmission companies

    Enel—which had so far been the only actor in the production, distribution, and sale of electricity in Italy—had now to change its corporate structure by distinguishing the three phases and constituting itself as three different companies: Enel Produzione, Enel Distribuzione, and Terna, respectively, for energy production, distribution, and transmission.
  • Enel was included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index

    In the following years, Enel continued investing in renewable energy and clean technologies. In 2004, the company was included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, a stock market index that evaluates the financial performance of companies based on economic, environmental, and social performance.[96]
  • Enel Green Power was formed

    In 2008, Enel formed Enel Green Power, a company dedicated to developing and managing the production of power from renewable energy.[97]
  • First Enel's smart grid built in Isernia

    In 2011, Enel opened the first pilot carbon dioxide–capture facility in Italy, in the area of Brindisi, in the existing power plant ENEL Federico II.[107] That year Enel Distribuzione built its first Smart grid in Isernia, a grid capable of effectively adjusting the two-way flow of electricity generated from renewable sources. The total investment for this project was €10 million.[108]
  • Enel became part of the United Nations Global Compact

    Also in 2011, Enel became part of the United Nations Global Compact, a United Nations initiative to encourage businesses to adopt sustainable policies worldwide,[109]
  • COELCE became Enel Distribuicao Ceara

    Em 8 de novembro de 2016, a então Companhia Energética do Ceará (COELCE) passou a se chamar Enel Distribuição Ceará, o mesmo ocorreu com a distribuidora Ampla, que opera no Rio de Janeiro, que passou a se chamar Enel Distribuição Rio.