Incorporation of Cascade River Community Club
W.G. Hulbert, Jr., Wm. P. Joslin, Calvin M. Hendrick, D.W. Elton and R. Ruskin Fisher -
Drilling the new well
CRP Legacy Sign
Vintage postcard
Period: to
Cascade River Park
Weekly bulletin June 1 1966
Bernhard Bridge original install
North Cacades National Park Service Complex established
The U.S. Congress established North Cascades National Park Service Complex in 1968 to preserve “certain majestic mountain scenery, snowfields, glaciers, alpine meadows, lakes and other unique glaciated features” … “for the benefit, use and inspiration of present and future generations.” -
Landslide - late 1960s
This event involved a large landslide that occurred east of Marblemount on the south side of the Cascade River in the isolated recreational community of CRP. This slide occurred in the late 1960’s and destroyed several recreational cabins and covered a large number of vacant lots with debris; we were unable to determine if persons were injured or killed as a result of this slide. The slide was serious enough that a large portion of the development was permanently abandoned. -
A large debris flow occurred on the North side of the
Cascade River within the Cascade River Park
development killing two persons and destroying two
mobile homes. -
Washington Park Wilderness Act designated the Stephen Mather Wilderness Area
In 1988 the Washington Park Wilderness Act designated 634,614 acres, or 93%, as the Stephen Mather Wilderness Area. -
A mud slide occurred along East Cascade Drive washing
out a portion of road and requiring the evacuation of six
cabins. -
Oso slide