6700 BCE
Map of Catal Huyuk
A wall painting of a settlement of Catal Huyuk, Ankara, Turkey. It is believed as the early map of a settlement, showing 80 buildings and a local mountain. -
3000 BCE
Babylonian clay tablets
Clay tablets that would fit in the palm of a hand. One map shows an area of Nippur or Iraq in the present day consisting of rivers and hills.
The tablets indicate north, west and east. -
600 BCE
Map of Babylonian Empire
The map consists of drawing and text that shows areas of Babylonian empire. -
600 BCE
Pythagoras determines earth is a sphere
in the Greek civilization cartography had some advantage events of developing. -
200 BCE
Earth circumference determined and coordinate grid established
In Greek civilization, a Greek astronomer, Eratosthenes determined the earth circumference and also made a map that use the incorporating the parallels and meridians. -
150 BCE
Early system of latitude based on the sun
In Greek Civilization, Hipparchus a Greek astronomer continued Eratosthenes work by describing 11 east-west parallel lines of earth that we know as latitude today. -
World map with coordinates for 8.000 locations
Claudius Ptolemy written 8-volume set of books including 8.000 locations of the world. -
Scientific Cartography halts in Europe
Because the Roman Empire collapsed the cartography had no progress until the 14th Century. -
Feb 26, 830
Al-Khwarizmi produces world map
An Arabic world, a mathematician Al-Khwarizmi continued the Ptolemy's work of map by producing an accurately map of Middle East that is the area between southwest Asia and northeast Africa. -
Feb 26, 1030
Al-Biruni develops triangulation
Al-Biruni a mathematician and astronomer used geometry to determine distance to a location, that is called triangular technique. -
Feb 26, 1375
Abraham Cresques produces Catalan Atlas
Abraham Cresques marked the beginning of Cartography progress in Europe. He made a world map by using the accumulated knowledge of cartography and portolan maps - maps with sailing directions-. -
Feb 26, 1569
Gerardus Mercator publishes first projection for navigation
Gerardus Mercator, made the world map that show how to portray the earth on a flat map to be used as a navigation. -
Sextant developed
Sextant is a portable instrument for determining latitude to be used in navigation. -
Clocks for determining longitude at sea
John Harrison developed accurate clock for determining longitude at sea. -
GPS system
in late 1990s when satellites launched to develop the accurate information system, Global Positioning System was created to determine the accurate location on earth, showing maps and navigation.