Stonewall Riot
Began the gay activist movement for civil rights. -
Camp David Accords
peace Treaty between the Egyptian and Israel leaders. (Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin) (Carter) -
Iran Hostage Crisis
When Shah was overthrown in an Islamic Revolution headed by the religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini. Revolutionaries took 52 American hostages from the US embassy and held thm for 444 days. President Carter's worse foreign policy crisis. -
Reagan Doctrine
buit up military and aided nations opposed to comminism. (Reagan) -
Supply-Side Economics/"trickle down"
made tax cuts, cuts in social spending and increased military spending (Reagan). -
Reduced government rule on business to decrease costs and increase profit. (Reagan) -
Strategic Defense Initiative
initiative to develop a system to intercept and destroy nuclear missiles. (Reagan) -
Iran-Contra Scandal
Oliver North (Colonel) sold weapons to iraq for US hostages in Middle East. Money was given to Contras. (Reagan) -
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
eliminated nuclear missiles with intermediate ranges defined as 300-3400 miles. (Reagan) -
Americans with Disabilities Act
forbid discrimination and mandated access to public places in regards to persons with physical or mental disabilities. (H.W.Bush) -
Operation Desert Storm
The U.S. organized a U.N. coalition of forces to expel Iraq from Kuwait in the Persian Gulf War. -
North American Free Trade Agreement
promoted free trade and increase US exports so as to compete with the Eurpopean Union. (Clinton -
Contract With America
detailed the actions the Republicans promised to take if they became the majority party in the US. -
Ethnic Cleansing
Slaughter of Muslims in Serbia and to supress independence of Muslims in Kosovo. US Nato forces had to end the violence and maintain the peace. (Clinton) -
Emergency Family Leave Act
gave workers unpaid leave to take care of sick family members. (Clinton) -
Welfare Reform Act
limited welfare benefits and required work to receive benefits. (Clinton) -
Terrorist Attack launched by Al Quida which was led by Osama Bin Laden -
Patriot Act
made it easier to conduct surveillance in the US to fight terrorism. (Bush) -
Department of Homeland Security
coordinated government agencies in the war on terrorism. (Bush) -
Whitewater Affair
Clinton was accused of perjury for lying about an intimaterelationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.