Carter defeated Ford in election
Period: to
Carter to End of Bush
California issued Proposition 13
Camp David Accords
Moral Majority by Jerry Falwell
Iran-Hostage Crisis
Reagan defeated Carter in election
Apple Computers was founded
Reagans economic plan: trickle down theory
Reagan won re-election against Walter Mondale
Iran-Contra Scandal; Oliver North
Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates
INF Treaty
George Bush's "No New Taxes" (issued them anyways)
George H.W. Bush won election
ADA Act was issued
Kuwait was liberated
Clinton won election over George Bush
Domestic Terrorist Attack in Oklahoma City
Operation Desert Storm
Welfare Reform Act
Clintons Whitewater Scandal; Monica Lewinsky
U.S.S Cole attacks
George W Bush won election over Al Gore
Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City
Overthrew Sadam Hussein; he was hanged