Oliver Evans make a steam engine for carts
Oliver Evans of Maryland patents a steam engine for the use in powering carts and carriages -
Francois invents a internal combustion engine
Francois Isaac de Rivaz built and demonstrated the first working internal combustion engine. It is fuelled by a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen aand is reliant on a foot operated exhaust valve. Mountain on a small trolley travels just a few metres. -
Robert Stirling made the steam engine more efficient
Reverend Robert Stirling made the steam engine not only safer but much more effient than before -
1832-1839 robert anderson invented the first crude
first tracter
The first gasoline tracter made by jonh.f -
first car in the usa
converted oil to gasoline
first U.S. gasoline pipline
th first gasoline pipeline began transporting gasoine through a three inch pipe -
modified and internal cumbustion engine
charles kettering modified an internal cumbustion engine to run on kerosene