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Carolingian Empire

  • 732

    Victory over Muslims

    This was a great victory for Charles Martel(father of Pepin the Short first Carolingian King) over Muslims attempting to push into western Europe from the Iberian peninsula, made Charles and his family popular
  • 751

    Pepin the Short's crowning

    With the power of the people and the Pope, Pepin took the throne and became the first of the Carolingian monarchs
  • Period: 751 to 814

    Carolingian Empire

    The empire did not end with Charlemagnes death but it split into 3 regions
  • 768

    Pepin's Death

    Pepin died in battle in the year 768 at the age of 54 leaving his empire to two of his sons Charles and Carloman
  • 768

    Ascension of Charles(Charlemagne)

    With the death of his father, he took over Carloman's part and set out to conquer the neighboring lands such as Italy, Bavaria, and Saxonia and convert them to Christianity
  • Period: 772 to 804

    Saxon Wars

    These wars were fought by Charlemagne against the Saxon for around 30 years and in which Charlemagne forced the Saxons to converts to christanity
  • 774

    Conquest of Lombard Kingdom

    Charlemagne defeats the Lombard Kingdom which consisted of most of Italy which is a huge expansion to his kingdom and will later be given to the Pope
  • Dec 25, 800

    Crowning of Charlemagne

    Crowning of Charlemagne
    On Christmas day of the year 800, Charlemagne was crowned by Pope Leo III and was proclaimed emperor of Rome
  • 814

    Death of Charlemagne

    Charlemagne died in 814 leaving his vast empire to his grandsons, these would eventually become modern france and Germany
  • Period: 820 to 900

    Disintegration and Decline