Carlos's Timeline

  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    On July 4th 1776, the colonies decided to be independent and made the Declaration of Independence. It was mainly written by Thomas Jefferson.
  • The battle of Yorktown

    The battle of Yorktown
    A battle that took place in Yorktown, Virginia, and it was important because it convinced Britain to stop trying to end the American rebellion. The American forces were led by General George Washington.
  • Constitution was declared

    Constitution was declared
    The constitutional convention was made up of George Washington, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and many other important figures. These people Met in Philadelphia in 1787, they drafted the constitution and it replaced the Articles of Confederation.
  • George Washington 1st president

    George Washington 1st president
    George Washington was the General of the American rebellion, because he was so liked by the people, he was the best pick to become the president. He ended up becoming the first president of the United States.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana purchase was a big deal because it basically doubled the land territory of the United States of America. The land was sold for cheap because the Spanish needed money fast to support their army in the war that they were in.
  • war of 1812

    war of 1812
    Great Britain and the United States had issues over trading and attacks on U.S. settlers. The war was over with a stalemate.