Career Timeline Project

  • Sit down with Counselor

    First appointment with counseler to discuss career plan
  • Start first Semester of Classes

    Introduction to Digital Technology
    Math I
    Language Arts
  • Period: to

    Career Timeline Projec t

  • Volunteer with local group

    volunteer with a local group so you can work with their webmaster to gain some real experience.
  • Subscribe to web design magazine(s)

    Subrscribe to web design magazines to learn what is going on in the industry.
    Web Designer:
    Net Magazine:
  • Check out GAcollege411

    Use GAcollege411 site to review career info and create a career plan.
  • Meet with Counselor for an Update

    Meet with your counselor to update on progress
  • Meet with Counselor

    meet with counselor to update on progress
  • Attend a web design conference or show

    An Event Apart An Event Apart is an intensely educational two-day learning session for passionate practitioners of standards-based web design. If you care about code as well as content, usability as well as design, An Event Apart is the conference you’ve been waiting for.
  • Take a webdesign online class

    find and take a free webdeign class online
  • Start building your own website

    Build a website around something you love
  • Update and fine tuneing

    update and finetunne your website and then publish it
  • Create plan for 10th Grade