
Career Timeline (Lawyer)

  • Summer Job

    Summer Job
    I will begin applying for summer jobs to help starting to pay for college.
  • PSAT

    PSAT Information
    The Pre-SAT will prepare me for my actual SAT and ACT. I will need to do good on these tests to get into college.
  • NYU College Visit

    NYU College Visit
    I am going to New York this summer with my father. I will have a formal visit at NYU.
  • Period: to


    I will be taking HL Psych in the IB Dipolma program to prepare for courtroom debaes.
  • ACT

    ACT Student Prep Guide
    I will take the ACT in my Junior year, and to get into NYU I will need to score above a 26.
  • SAT

    SAT Information
    In my Junior year of high school, I will take the SAT. This test will be an important part of getting into college.
  • Period: to

    Financial Aid/ Scholarships

    NYU Financial Aid and Scholarships
    I plan to apply for some time of financial aid or scholarship program. Most of the materials would be due in November of my Senior Year at Palmer.
  • Period: to

    Aplications Due

    Most college applications are due within this time frame. It will be the end of my 1st semester of my senior year.
  • Graduation

    Graduation Day at Palmer High School.
    I hope to have above a 4.5 GPA with my IB Diploma, aftering beign accpeted to New York University.
  • Period: to

    NYU Undergraduate

    I will spend four years getting my undergraduate degree at NYU. I hope to be in Pre-Law with a minor in commercial art.
  • Period: to

    Part-Time Job

    I will have some sort of part-time job throughout college for living expenses and if possible to help pay for college.
  • Major Defined

    Major Defined
    I hope to have a defined major, and fall back plan made after my second year of college.
  • Period: to

    NYU Law

    I will get my law degree from NYU, the most popular law school in the counrty. I would like to study criminal and international law.
  • Internship

    I will begin applying for an internship to complete part-time while in law school,
  • Resumes

    I will start sending out my resume as soon as I graduate from law school. I will also apply to interships.