Career Timeline-Christina Stevens

  • 435 BCE

    The Earliest Signs of Physical Therapy

    Hippocrates began advocating the use of massage, hydrotherapy, and manual therapy techniques to treat patients.
  • When did physical therapy come to America?

    It was established towards the end of the 1800's because they realized that physical education and exercise would benefit children with disabilities, especially applied during the Polio outbreak of 1916.
  • First Name Used Besides "Physical Therapists"

    The term "Reconstruction Aide" was used to refer to people practicing physical therapy.
  • Mary McMillan

    Mary McMillan and the majority of her fellow aides founded the American Women’s Physical Therapeutic Association.
  • Use of Reconstruction Aids in the Military

    The Army of Medical Excellence instituted an early physical therapy program in order to fuel the work of the Reconstruction aides.
  • The creation of APTA

    The first two men were admitted into the American Women's Physical Therapeutic Association and the name of the association was changed into the American Physiotherapy Association (APTA).
  • First Physical Therapy program in a University.

    Northwestern became the first university to operate a fully-accredited physical therapy program.
  • Early form of Physical Therapy

    PT treatments were primarily the utilization of massage, traction, and exercises.
  • Physical Therapists joining the Army.

    By 1942, it was possible for physical therapists to join the military and seek commissions for completed Physical Therapy programs.
  • Later form of Physical Therapy

    Manipulative therapies for the joints and spine began.
  • Advancing technology for treatments.

    Medical science began using computers in the field of physical therapy. Objects such as electrical stimulation were created which greatly enhanced treatment.
  • Change in Credentials

    A major change to physical therapy credentials stating that all entry-level Physical Therapists must earn a Doctorate of Physical Therapy.