Career Success

  • Period: to

    Additions to Portfolio (Ongoing)

    Constantly add elements to improve and strengthen website portfolio. Also improve on portfolio works and rearrange them for website friendly navigation.
  • Period: to

    Professional Blog (Ongoing)

    Constantly keeping tabs on progress on research for capstone courses and paper with a focused theme on MMORPG trends.
  • Revise Resume

    Update Resume
  • Revise Website

    Revise portfolio website and make it more navigation friendly.
  • Job Search

    Becoming readily available to take up leadership positions and be recognised. Proactively networking and job searching to readily apply post graduation.
  • Letters of Recommendation

    Acquire recommendations from undergrad and master's degrees from willing professors. Develop a plethora for job applications.
  • Graduation

    Graduate with a Masters of Science in Game Design.