
Career Research - Prezi Presentation

  • What do I want to be when I grow up?

  • Basic Tasks

    What are the basic tasks that will be required of your career?
  • Education/Training Required

    What educational needs will be required? Is there any extra training you will need?
  • High School Classes

    Before we can think about college classes and majors, we have to make it through high school. What is the plan of high school classes you will need?
  • College Majors

    What are possible college majors to give you access to your dream career?
  • Working Environment

    Where will you be able to locate employment? What type of environment will you be working in?
  • Work Schedule/Day in the life

    What does someone within the career of your choice do on a daily basis? What does a day in their shoes look like?
  • Salaries/Earnings

    What is the average income of someone in your career?
  • Job Outlook

    How many openings will be availiable in the future?
  • Abilities

    What abilities do you need to complete your career?
  • Pros/Cons for entering this career choice

    What are the benefits to becoming this progession? What are negatives of becoming this profession?
  • Prepare for Presentation

    Proofread your presentation, make notecards, practice presenting your prezi.