Carbajal Vocabulary Timeline

  • Trundled

    Spirit Animal(Brandon Mull)
    The panda trundled over to meilin and reared up to place its paws on her ribs (with reference to a wheeled vehicle or its occupants) move or cause to move slowly and heavily,
  • Admiration

    Spirit Animals Brandon mull "Did the trace of Admiration creep into Serif's grin?"(Mull 54) Definition:Respect and Warm approval.
  • Strained

    Spirit Animals(Brandon Mull) Meilin Strained her senses but could neither hear or smell anything.
    Strained-not relaxed or comfortable,tense or uneasy.
  • Sensation

    Spirit Animals(Brandon Mull) He soared down the hazy passage without any sensation of movement.Then he saw a grizzly bear.(Mull 113)
    Definition-Something that aces in the body.
  • Intrigued

    The Legend of Ghost Dog(Elizabeth Cody Kimmel) "But is was intrigued by the the effect she had on Henry." Intrigued:Arouse the curiosity or interest of fascinate.(Kimmel 21)
  • Affection

    Legend of Ghost Dog(Elizabeth Cody Kimmel) "Henry's world revolved around three things:Food,Affection,And sleep. Affection:A genital feeling of fondness and liking.
  • Weakness

    Legend of Ghost Dog(Elizabeth Cody Kimmel) Henry didn't fetch,had a weakness for digging through garbage cans,and was useless as a watchdog. Weakness: A condition of lacking strength.
  • Whimpering

    The Legend of Ghost Dog(Elizabeth Cody Kimmel) "He was crouched really low to the ground,and he was shaking and whimpering. Whimpering:A person or an animal that feels pain and fear.(Kimmel 21)
  • Unpredictability

    Legend of Ghost Dog(Elizabeth Cody Kimmel) "Doesn't sound so bad,if you don't mind total Unpredictability(Kimmel 76).Unpredictability:Doing things in a way that could not be predicted.
  • Obediently

    The Legend of Ghost Dog(Elizabeth Cody Kimmel) "I gave him a gentle nudge,and he Obediently trotted into his room,turning to give me a confused look as i shut the door and ignored the huge rise of guilt rising in me". Obediently:Submissive to the restraint or command of authority:willing to obey.
  • Triumphantly

    The legend of Ghost Dog(Elizabeth Cody Kimmel) "There was knocking at the door,which jack pulled open triumphantly,as if he were the one responsible for all of it." Triumphantly:Something done in a victorious or proud manner.
  • Recreation(56)

    A Comets Curse Pg 13-59(Dom Testa)"For one thing,his roommate had told her that Peter was fine when he left the group gathered around the window in the recreation section,hoping to find some other spot where he could see the moon." Recreation:Activity done for enjoyment when one is not working.
  • Inwardly

    A Comets Curse Pg 74-83 (Dom Testa) "Gap smiled Inwardly".
    Inwardly:A specific thought.
  • Reluctantly(104)

    "He had Reluctantly accepted their demand for the State-of-the-art air boarding circuit,but that particular activity worried him". Reluctantly:In an unwilling and hesitant way.
  • Anticlimactic(120)

    The Comets Curse (Dom Testa) "Had they all been so sure of this announcement that the meeting itself was Anticlimactic." Anticlimactic:Causing a disappointment at the end of an exciting or impressive series of events.
  • Computational(152)

    A Comets Curse (Dom Testa) "Once he had been "taught" the game by Nasha and programmed by Roy Orizini,Roc was supposed to play without using all of his Computational skills" Computational:Relating to or using computers.
  • Haphazardly(179)

    Pg 160-180 A Comets Curse (Dom Testa) "At that moment Gap was leaning back in his chair. His feet,clad only had socks,were propped up on the table, his shoes tossed haphazardly to the side". Haphazardly:In a manner lacking any obvious principle of organization.
  • Nonchalantly(201)

    A Comets Curse (Dom Testa) "One man stood Nonchalantly at the wheel,barley moving,and the other was quit obviously asleep,sprawled back into a chair with his feet up on the railing. Nonchalantly:In a calm and relaxed manner.
  • Depressurize(208)

    A Comets Curse(Dom Testa) "Come on!" Triana shouted. "We've got to get into the Control room before he opens the bay door into space.This room will depressurize in seconds!" Depressurize:Release the pressure of gas inside.
  • Contagious(19)

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid the Ugly Truth (Jeff Kinney) "So i wonder if Rowely's avoiding him,too,because he thinks he contagious." An organism or disease spreed to one person to another.
  • Unintended(217)

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid The ugly Truth (Jeff kinney) "I couldn't have just left him unintended. Unintended: Not planned or meant.
  • Emerged(54)

    By the Great Horn Spoon! (Sid Fleischman) "The gold-seekers Emerged from their cabins bruised and sleepless and hungry. Emerged: Move out of or away from something and come into view.
  • Muttered (97)

    Muttered (97)
    By the Great Horn Spoon (Sid Fleischman) "Chili Gulch,Grizzly Flats,Timbuctoo," he Muttered. Muttered:To say something in a low barely audible voice,especially in dissatisfaction or irritation.
  • Exasperation(112)

    By the Great Horn Spoon(Sid Fleischman) "Praiseworthy's patience was a marvel-and an exasperation." Exasperation:A feeling of intense irritation and annoyance.
  • Petrified(155)

    By the Great Horn Spoon(Sid Fleischman) "The great furry beast came crashing out of the shadows.He stopped,seeing Jack for the first time.Jack stood instantly Petrified. Petrified:So frightened that one is unable to move;terrified.
  • Veteran(146)

    By the Great Horn Spoon (Sid Fleischman) "Stubb was a Veteran at the Gold diggings". Veteran: A person who has long experience in a particular field.
  • Exaggerating(3)

    The Great Hamster Massacre by (Katie Davie) "Anyway,me and Tom are not supposed to talk about the hamsters and what happened to them anymore because it's best try to forget all about it all,and stop Exaggerating,and making it worse than it actually was,and all that." Exaggerating: Represent (something) as being larger,greater,better,or worse than it really was.
  • Manpower (171)

    Manpower (171)
    The Great Hamster Massacre (Katie Davie) "Mrs. Rotherham said, The usual reasons: lack of funding manpower and Evidence, and missing and uncooperative suspects and witnesses. Manpower:The number of people working or available for work or service.
  • Investigation (170)

    Investigation (170)
    The Great Hamster Massacre (Katie Davie) " And she said, i must inform you that the investigation into the hamster Massacre, although unsolved, is now until further notice, officially closed."
    investigation: The action of investigating something or someone; formal or systematic examination or research.
  • Ambition (23)

    Ambition (23)
    Into Thin Air (Jon Krakauer) "Secretly, i dreamed of ascending Everest myself one day; for more than a decade it remained a burning Ambition." Ambition: A strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work.