Sep 25, 1514
Ships Route to Canada
We have just loaded the ships with the supplies and crewman that will be with us on the trip to Canada. There is a plethera of ages on the ship ranging from 14 to mid 30s. I am the Master Gunner, I am in charge of the guns and ammunition abord the ship. We are starting at Lorien, France. -
Oct 20, 1514
The Uneventful Trip
Nothing has happened so far in our trip to Canada. At first I was very excited to go and help explore this new land, I am now starting to regret my decision as it is very boring and uneventful. So far all that has happened is a mini fight down in the crewmans quarters...they were fighting over who would get the top hammock. -
Nov 25, 1514
Crew riots lead to no Food
The crewman were in a riot this morning, they were angry at some of the others due to the people wanting to go to a different port then the captain. This resulted in the crew throwing off food and other needed supplies in order to persuade the captain in to going to the port they all wanted. In the end the captain did listen to them and went on our way to Marystown... -
Dec 31, 1514
Port of Marystown
We are now at the port of Marystown in Canada, half way through our journey here about half of our crewman have died from food deprivation. Now at the port the rest of us are mourning for the loss of our crew, as we started unloading the bodies we soon realized we were in grave danger.As a crew we have discussed that we will be joining with the other ship as our captain has died.We are currently stocking food and other necessities needed,for our trip. -
Feb 14, 1515
Trip to Port Sydney
Today is a good, we are currently on our way to meet with the other ship lead by Captain Tonald Drump. We have elected that a man named Cillary Hinton and so far he has lead us well and we are hopeful that no disturbances come along our way to Sydney.My job as guns master has been slow...all we have needed to do was clean the guns and make sure we have enough ammunition for the times coming closer. -
Mar 1, 1515
Port of Sydney
We have just arrived to the Port of Sydney, the other ship has not just yet arrived. We are assuming that they will be here within the next few days, we have not had any other incidents and are planning to finish our trip off with Captain Tonald Drump. While waiting for the ship to get here we have decided to get more spices and ammunition for our long journey ahead....It is now March 3 and the other ship has just arrived we are currently loading the ship with our supplies and about to leave. -
Apr 1, 1515
Invasion of Pirates
We are half way to Amherst and have stopped to let our sailor take a rest, we have found a small island with what seems to be no people living.We are going to search the island and I will be joining the crew in case of a sneak attack.....I have just gotten back from the search and am currently on my way to the surgeons office to have a bullet removed from my arm.While we were searching there turned out to be pirates, we had to use gunfire to stop them from hurting our crew. -
May 2, 1515
New Port Made
We have just finished our journey to the little island that we saw. The crew had went to search the island while I stayed behind due to my injury from the pirate invasion, they came to realize that nobody was on the island. The captain has decided that we were going to claim it as ours, we named our port that we set up the Port of Amherst. We suggested that we send a message to our King Gim Jillmore saying we have founded a new island. We are on our way home now, we left men in Amherst aswell. -
Nov 4, 1515
Journey Home!
We are currently almost half way home, we have left some of the crewman there in Amherst so that the island will not be taken over and we will not lose it to others. The King is very proud of how much we have gotten and done on this journey and is planning to have us take more people to Amherst soon. We have about 40 barrels of spices and 20 barrels of gun powder. -
Jan 23, 1516
Home at last-Port of Lorient!
We have just arrived home, the King has decided to throw a party in celebration of the ships coming back with loadds of spices and supplies to sell. King Jillmore made a speech in honor of the crew that died and those who went on the journey. We ate a great feast and stuffed with fish,a plethera of spices, and much much more foods. That night I went to sleep with a smile on my face due to the joy of being home with my family.