Sep 29, 1571
Who Was Caravaggio?
Michealangelo Caravaggio was a famous artist in 16th century Rome. He was born September 29th, 1571 and he died July 18th 1610. His paintings have had a considerable influence on the Baroque school of painting, and he was at one point considered to be "the most famous painter in rome". -
Why Was He Important?
When he first moved to Rome after fleeing from his hometown of Milan in 1592, he was extremely poor. He struggled to get his first commission with the church, but after they saw his painting abilities he never had trouble obtaining another one. His paintings have an immense influence on both the art happening at the same time, and the art that would come after him. -
How Do We View Him Today?
Today, Caravaggio is one of the less rememberred renaissance artists, but his work is still highly valued and very influential. His use of light and shadows started an entire movement that still continues today.