Age: 4-5
Every night after praying my mother and grandmother would read me stories every night. -
Pre- K
In Pre- K teacher used to do random popcorn reading where she would tell stories and the characters would be people in the class. I remember being excited when she would choose me -
3rd Grade
During the end of the school year my third grade class would read to the kindergarteners.After we read to them they wrote us a letter back. -
My mom used to make me write essays comparing books and their movies during the summer. -
5th grade
In 5th grade during breaks my English teacher would read Harry Potter to us. This started my my love for the seriess. -
6th Grade
In 6th grade my teacher used to read Divergent to us. It is now one of my favorite books. -
7-8th Grade
During quarantine I used to write poems and short stories to cope with covid. -
Now 10th Grade
I picked up reading in my free time again and i've been the most happy then i have in a while