
Car Detailing History by _mr_detailer

By milad
  • 1478

    Self-propelled car Leonardo da Vinci (1478)

    Self-propelled car Leonardo da Vinci (1478)
    300 years before the advent of the French steam engine, Leonardo da Vinci unveiled a drawing of the world's first self-propelled vehicle.
  • Ferdinand Verbiest invents the automobile

    Ferdinand Verbiest invents the automobile
    Ferdinand Verbiest, a member of a Jesuit mission in China, built the first steam-powered vehicle around 1672 as a toy for the Chinese Emperor
  • Cugnot's steam wagon

    Cugnot's steam wagon
  • Cugnot's steam wagon

    Cugnot's steam wagon
  • Fardier à Vapeur

    Fardier à Vapeur
  • Nicolas-Joseph_Cugnot

  • William Murdock's steam road locomotive

    William Murdock's steam road locomotive
  • William Murdock's steam road locomotive

    William Murdock's steam road locomotive
  • William Murdock's steam road locomotive

    William Murdock's steam road locomotive
  • American, Oliver Evans, receives the first US patent for a steam-powered land vehicle.

  • Oliver Evans 1789

    Oliver Evans 1789
    secured the first patent awarded in the United States for an automated vehicle
  • Oliver Evans 1789

    Oliver Evans 1789
  • Richard Trevithick 1801

    Richard Trevithick 1801
    Richard Trevithick builds a steam powered road carriage. It is considered to be the first tramway locomotive. It is designed for use on the road, not the railroad.
  • puffing devil

    puffing devil