Captain scott

Captain Robert Falcon Scott

  • Birth

    Birth of Captain Scott
  • Oficer Training

    Started training to become an officer.
  • Finished Officer Training

    Completed training to become an officer.
  • Promotion

    Promoted from officer to Sub-Lietenant
  • Promotion

    Promoted from Sub-Lietenant to Lietenant.
  • Offered Job

    Robert was offered a job by the National Geographical Society to go to Antarctica.
  • Furthest South

    Captain Scott lead the expedition that got the furthest south in his time.
  • Made a Commander of the Royal Victorian

    Made a commander of the Royal Victorian by King Edward VII.
  • Married to Cathleen Bruce

    Captain Scott married Cathleen Bruce
  • Leads Another Expedition To Antarctica

    He left to Antarctica to make more discoveries.
  • Sets out for the South Pole

    Goes on a 800 mile trip to south pole.
  • Makes it to Antarctica to discover Roald beat him

    Lost the race to Antarctica to Roald Amundsen
  • Death

    Died from a blizzard.